2009年12月23日 星期三

點亮生命的光-1(中英對照) by:Lily 2008/10/14 17:32

點亮生命的光-1(中英對照) by:Lily  2008/10/14 17:32

點亮生命的光 ─ 談默念真經   Light on your true life—about reciting the Five Word Sutra.

讓彌勒祖師的光芒,照亮生命Let Matriya Buddha’s brightness light up your life.

讓彌勒祖師的慈願,陪伴你走過每一腳步                                                                           Let Matriya Buddha’s great vows accompany every step of yours.

「默念真經」,是一貫道內修最簡單的入門。默念真經,簡單的說是一種念佛,持念佛號的修持功夫Reciting the Five Word Sutra silently is the easiest method in Tao practice. Simply speaking, it is a religious practice to keep reciting Buddha’s name.

「念佛」是一個很古老的修持法,但它不是迷信,以前無法用科學來檢驗念佛對人類的意義,現在因科技發達,我們可以透過科學的觀點重新認識「念佛」。                                                Reciting Buddha’s name is a very old method in religious practice. However, it’s not superstition. In the past, it was hard to examine the meaning of it to human beings. Nowadays, however, it’s easy for us to understand it through scientific view points.

神奇的「佛」字Amazing word “Buddha”

台大校長李嗣涔曾經成功的訓練兒童用手指識字,開發所謂『第三眼』超能力。                 President of NTU, Dr. Lee, once trained several children to recognize words by fingers successfully, developing their supernatural ability, the so-called “ the third eye.”

他的方法是:讓孩童打坐十分鐘,去除心中雜念,把注意力集中在手指頂端,觸摸黑布袋內字條,孩童腦海屏幕中便會出現字條上所寫的文字,成功辨識率非常高。這些實驗是在許多教授一同見證下進行,所以絕不是李嗣涔個人的見解。His method is like this: keep those children doing meditation for ten minutes first. After they don’t have any distracting thoughts, make them focus their mind on tip of fingers and touch the notes inside the black bag. At this time, those words can successfully appear on these children’s minds. Such experiments are executed under the proof of many professors, so it is not only Dr. Lee’s personal opinion.

原本只是為了用科學證實人類超能力的可能性,卻偶然的發現「佛」字的神奇不思議。當這些具有手指識字能力的小朋友,在觸碰到一些與宗教有關的字彙時,腦中出現的不是字,而是影像。(實驗於:一九九九年八月二十六日)                                                                                              This experiment meant to prove the possibility of human supernatural power through science. However, it brings the amazing facts of the word “Buddha.” When those children touched some words about religion, it was not the word that appeared in their minds but the image.

起先是一位陳教授,給一位叫高橋舞的女孩一張寫著「佛光」二個字的紙條測試時,高橋舞只看到「光」字。                                                                                                                      At first, professor Chen in the team gave a girl the note written “Buddha’s light” in Chinese(佛光). She could only see the Chinese word “light.”(光)

第二次再實驗,給孩童寫著「佛」的紙條辨識,小朋友看到「有一個人在腦海屏幕上發光」、「有一個人亮亮的,對我笑」,「看不清長相,因為太亮。                                                         For the second time, he gave the children a note written “Buddha.”(佛) they saw that there was a person with brightness in their minds. Some had the image that a person was smiling at them. And some could not see the person clearly because it was too bright.


    同樣用「佛」字,測驗另一位能以手識字的王小妹妹,看到「寺廟大門口站著一個人」沒看到任何字For another girl, she couldn’t any word except the image that there was a person standing at the gate of a temple.

另一位陳小弟弟則看到「有個光頭的人手上拿著一串珠子」等異象。                                        One little boy saw the special image of a bald man with the beads.

研究人員隔幾天再以寫著「菩薩」的紙條測試,小朋友又看到:「粉紅色的花」、「有人站在蓮花上,亮的」、「有點像女生,穿白衣,像我最喜歡的那尊觀世音菩薩」等                                These researchers tested the children by giving them the note written “Bodhisatvas” some other day. They also had different images about this: like pink flowers, a person with brightness standing on the lotus, an image like a girl with white clothing or like her favorite “Goddess of Compassion.”

有一次小孩手摸字條說…:「奇怪,有好多亮亮的小人在排隊,是同一個人,卻出現許多分身。」打開紙條,原來是電腦列印的由許多「佛」字排列成「?」字。Once, a child touched a note and said, “ It is very strange that there are so many bright small figures lining up. It seems to be the same person, but with repeated images.” After opening the note, the professor found that there were many word “Buddha”( 佛) combined into a big?on the note.                 

當教授群給小孩辨識寫著「道」字的紙條,小孩說:「有聲音說『ㄉㄠˋ』、「背景亮亮的」。給孩子「彌勒佛、濟公、阿彌陀佛…」的字條,孩子腦海屏幕出現亮光,看不到字跡,甚至參與實驗的孩子有一位是日本籍,並不了解這些詞彙的意思。  If they give them the not with “Matriya Buddha, Ji-kong, Amida Buddha,” brightness or light will soon appear in the children’s minds. They couldn’t see any words. This is also true with a Japanese child.

佛號,仙佛的通關密碼  Buddha’s name, the pass word to pure land.

經過這些實驗,李嗣涔說:「宇宙間存在一種「信息場」,也就是物質世界以外的靈界訊息,千百年來多少人打坐、修練,無非想一窺奧祕,而『佛』」字,也許就是一把鑰匙可以打開這神密信息場的大門。」After all these experiments, Dr. Lee tried to conclude, “In the universe, there exists a spiritual world or a field of messages. For thousands of years, a lot of people have tried to discover it through meditation or religious practice. Perhaps the word “Buddha”(佛) is the key to such a world.

他給家人每人一張「佛」字:「拿著這個password(通關密碼)打坐,說不定也有機會和那個世界聯絡上。」(資料來源:李嗣涔著「難以置信」張老師文化出版)Therefore, he gave each of his family a note with the word “Buddha”(佛) and told them, “take this pass word to do the meditation, and maybe one day you can get in touch with that world,”


點亮生命的光-2    translate by Lily (中英對照)2008/10/21 20:04

念佛即有光明       Reciting Buddha’s names brings brightness

簡單的說,仙佛菩薩的世界有通關密碼留在人間,就像我們上網,要先輸入密碼,我們要進入佛菩薩的網路,也要輸入祂們所設定的密碼,而這密碼很簡單就是「佛號」。                                   Simply speaking, there must be passwords to Buddha’s world in our world. It’s just like the fact that we need to enter the password before surfing the Net. We also have to enter the password set by Buddha or bodhisattvas in order to enter their world. Their password is very simple; that is, Buddha’s name.

所以「唸佛」念的不是「佛」的文字,而是「光明」當我們念佛,心中就充滿光明,這個光明可以照亮自己也照亮別人,因為人的心靈是相通的。          Therefore, when reciting Buddha’s names. We are not just reciting the word “Buddha”(佛) but also bringing its brightness. When we recite their names, our minds are filled with brightness that can lighten up others as well as ourselves. This is because human minds are connected together.

念佛雖然簡單,卻有不簡單的內涵,仙佛把一切修持的精髓濃縮凝聚在一句佛號上,只要你去念,就可以和諸佛世界感應道交,得到諸佛的加持和無量功德。不需要參禪打坐、不需要讀經閱典,不須有深厚的修持功夫或經驗,只要誠心、專注的持念,每個人,不論年紀不分男女,都可以立刻受益。 Reciting Buddha’s name is simple, but it has a rich content. Buddhas and bodhisattvas use their wisdom to condense all of their compassion and practice into a name. As along as you start to recite it, you can connect their world and obtain their blessings and unlimited merits. We don’t need to stay still for meditation, reading a great number of sutras, or having deep religious experiences. Only by sincere and concentrated reciting can everyone of us get the unlimited benefits at once, no matter what age or gender we are.

就像小孩上網,和每個大人一樣,可以進入無邊的智庫,得到最珍貴的資訊。最簡單反而是最上乘的,複雜難修的法門如果我們不具備足夠的知識、基礎、功力,反而無法有實效。Just like every child, he can enter the rich world of the internet to get precious information like every adult. Our method to enter Buddha’s world is simple but very precious. Complicated methods may not be suitable for us because we need to have enough knowledge or religious basis to fit in.

彌勒佛的通關密碼   Maitriya Buddha’s password

所以無論你是上班族、家庭主婦、學生…沒有時間到佛堂參班、聽課,家裡也沒有佛堂。沒有關係,只要有「無字真經」這個通關密碼,佛菩薩的光明、力量,就會直接傳達到你的生命。                  If you are an official, a housewife, or a student who has no time to attend classes in temples or you don’t have one at home, then the Five Word Sutra can be your password to Maitriya Buddha’s pure land. Through these Five Words, Buddha’s brightness and power will enter your life directly.



無論你是十歲、二十、五十、七十…歲,「默念真經」都是最簡單、最有效的修持。無論任何時候,只要去念,屬於彌勒佛的光明就會充滿你的生命,彌勒祖師的慈悲、歡喜,可以掃除你的緊張、煩惱、憂鬱…讓你即刻得到法喜。No matter how old you are, reciting the Five Word Sutra will always be the simplest and the most effected way of religious practice. Anytime when you are free and you recite it, the brightness from Maitriya Buddha will fill your life immediately. His compassion and joy will sweep off your nervousness, worries and melancholy, and make you obtain the joy of Dharma at once.

佛菩薩的光明這麼簡單就可以得到,尤其是我們的祖師彌勒祖師,隨時放出無限光明,只要我們用「無字真經」這通關密碼,開啟我們和彌勒祖師之間的窗戶,彌勒佛的佛光、慈悲,還有祂大度能容的歡喜就立刻照亮我們的生命,不論何時何地都可以坐擁佛世界的清淨與光明。It’s so easy to get Buddha’s brightness. Our Maitriya Buddha is especially compassionate because he gives off unlimited brightness any time. As long as we use his password the Five Word Sutra and let open our channel to Maitriya Buddha, his light, compassion, joy and tolerance will lighten up our lives. In this way, we can own the purity and brightness of Buddha’s pure land any time and any place.

很多學生最喜歡在考試時默念真經,覺得有種神奇的加持力,考試時頭腦特別清楚、運氣特別好,甚至不會題目也在那關鍵時刻突然想通,想不出來,用猜的命中率也奇高…。也許這也是彌勒祖師和小孩子結緣的方式之一。Students especially love to recite the Five Words when taking the exam. They will feel the magic empowerment from Buddha. Also, they will have a clear mind and god luck so that they can figure out those difficult questions at the crucial moment. I think this is perhaps the way that Maitriya Buddha helps children.

憂鬱症患者在默念真經上也特別有效,當憂鬱襲擊生命時,默念真經就像一個救生圈,不會身不由主的捲入負面情緒的漩渦,彌勒祖師會迅速抓住往下墜落的你,慢慢將你從黑暗深淵中拉出來,重見光明。For people who have melancholy, reciting the Five Word Sutra is especially effected. When melancholy strikes their life, reciting it is like a lifebuoy to prevent them from falling into negative emotions. Maitriya Buddha can swiftly grab your mind and pull you out from the darkness, giving you the brightness again.


默念真經的方法:Methods of reciting the Five Word Sutra

默念真經很簡單,就是在心中默念「無字真經」的五個字,一字一字清楚的念,不要模糊,每個字都清晰就表示心是專注的,如果很模糊,就表示心不夠專注。It’s easy to do this practice. Recite each word in mind clearly. Don’t make it blurred. If each word is clear, that means your mind is very concentrated. If the word is blurred, that means your mind is distractive.

默念真經的重點:The points of reciting.

..專注在五個字,每個字出現時心中只有那一個字。Focus on the Five Words. Recite each word with all your heart. Don’t try to think about the next word.

˙盡量做到不要讓其他念頭出現。Try not to have other thoughts when reciting.

˙默念的速度:緊張時自然會唸得快,放鬆時自然念得慢,Speed of reciting: we will recite more quickly when feel nervous and more slowly when feeling relaxed.

念久了會發現默念真經速度會和自己心跳的速度一樣,但不必刻意去調整,依個人習慣與喜愛的速度就可以   After reciting for a while, we may find its speed can be the same as our heart beat.

˙默念時,意念凝聚在眼前。Concentrate our thoughts in front of eyes.

˙心念跑掉時,要把真經再抓回來念。不要縱容自己一邊念真經一邊胡思亂想。Try to recite more clearly as soon as we are distracted. Don’t allow ourselves to have wandering thoughts.

點亮生命的光-3     英文翻譯 : Lily Zhang (中英對照)

默念真經的時機 :Time to recite the Five Word Sutra


Briefly it can be divided into two: reciting in movement and reciting without movement.

˙靜中念:坐著或站著不動,在心中默念真經。如乘車、靜坐、睡前…甚至開車、聆聽別人說話,     也都可以默念真經。Recite without movement: recite when we are sitting or stand still. For example, when driving, doing meditation, or lying on bed before sleep, or even when listening to others, these are good periods for us to recite the Sutra.

˙動中念:在動作中,尤其規律的動作特別適合默念真經。如走路、跑步、洗衣、切菜、任何運動…都可以一邊默念真經。˙Recite in movement: recite when we are doing something. It’s especially suitable when we are doing regular actions. For example, walking, running, washing clothes, chopping, or doing any exercise. These are good periods too.

  默念真經的靈活運用:Various methods to recite the Five Word Sutra

你知道人們在什麼時候默念真經?Do you know when people recite the Sutra?

走路,是普遍被認為最佳的默念真經時機。多數人在走路時念,走一步默念一個字,日本上下班潮每個人都要走很快,趕電車,下車也都疾步快走,日本道親求道後很受用一邊走路一邊默念真經,早晨經過這一段修持,一整天精神都很好。Walking is the best timing to recite it. Most people recite one word when stepping out one step. In Japan during rush hours, people have walk rapidly for taking the MRT. Japanese Tao members benefit a lot in reciting the Five Word Sutra while walking. They often feel energetic all day after such a practice in the morning.

跑步、跳繩,也可以跑一步默念一字真經,有一位體育班的學生說:「每天早上的跑步、跳繩的訓練很苦,但是如果一邊默念真經,就跑得比別人快又不會累…跳繩也是,跳一下默念一字,很快五千下就跳完也不累…。」 Running or jumping rope is a good time, too. One athlete once said, “it’s a hard time for me to be trained to run and jump rope every morning. However, if I recite the Five Word Sutra when running, I can run much faster than others and won’t feel tired. Also, if I recite each word when jumping rope each time, I will soon finish the training five thousand times easily.”

考試,學生考試時把默念真經當成秘密武器,不但考試時頭腦清醒、精神很好,考運也特別好。 Students often use the Sutra when taking a test. Not only can they have clear minds during the test, but also they can be very lucky on the results.

騎車、開車,一邊默念真經,精神特別集中專注,也不會累。有一位美國的點傳師說他的工作每天要開很長的車巡視公路,以前一天下來都累得不得了,自從一邊開車一邊守玄默念真經,非但不會累,工作完精神更好。Some people can concentrate better when doing the reciting practice while riding or driving cars. In this way, they won’t feel tired. A member has to patrol the highway every day for hours. He used to be exhausted after a day of work. Since he tried to recite the Sutra when working, he has done a better job and been energetic.

吃飯,一邊咀嚼一邊默念真經,每嚼一下默念一字,細嚼慢嚥,專心吃飯更有滋味。                     If we recite each word of the Sutra when eating or chewing once, this will help us focus on eating and make our meals more delicious.

數念珠默念,一粒一個字默念。We can also count every bead to recite each word.

乘車、等待、談話…都可以一邊默念。                                                                                We can also recite the Sutra while taking a ride, waiting or talking to someone.

媽媽在對孩子說教,孩子不聽時,可以看著孩子的玄關默念真經,請彌勒祖師來幫忙教育。       When instructing children and they don’t listen, mothers can look at children’s Wisdom Door and recite the Five Word Sutra. Let Maitriya Buddha help her.

夫妻吵架時,趕快默念真經,可以減少言語造成的傷害,用最有智慧的方式溝通解決問題。          Be sure to recite the Sutra when quarreling with your spouse. This can help reduce the harm caused by language and use the wisest way to communicate and solve problems.

祈禱,為某件事祈求、禱告時,可以默念真經,祈求彌勒祖師加持、幫助、保佑。While praying, we can also recite the Sutra to ask for Maitriya Buddha’s blessing and great help.

失眠,也是很好的默念真經的時候,有人一念就睡著,有人還是睡不著,但是在朦朧迷糊間默念真經,早上還是很有精神。When we fail to sleep during the night, it’s also a good timing. Some people may fall asleep right after reciting the Five Word Sutra. Some may still feel sleepless after reciting. But they can still be vigorous in the morning.

生病、開刀、養病…更是要默念真經,讓彌勒祖師的佛光照亮你的身、你的心。                      When we are sick, having an operation, or staying in bed for recovery, it is especially important to recite the Sutra.


點亮生命的光-4    英文翻譯 : Lily Zhang (中英對照)

默念真經的階段 :Stages of recting

默念真經,一開始會發現自己在默念真經時竟然同時有許多念頭,過去不曾發現察覺自己每天腦袋裡想的是那麼頻繁無時無刻頭腦裡都有好多的人、事、物…像電影上演一樣沒有一刻停歇。煩惱妄念比較少或生活單純的人,則會出現音樂,有些人修持後,為腦海不斷播放的音樂或歌曲所苦惱。        In the beginning, practitioners may find themselves carrying lot of thoughts when reciting. They were never aware of this before. There were so many people and affairs inside their minds anytime and anyplace, as if a move was going on. For those who have fewer thoughts or simple lives, they may think of music when reciting. They are often bothered by the songs or music in their minds. 

默念真經從開始入手到最後了手,如果把它譬喻從零分到一百分,會經過五個階段,我們可以了解自己在哪一個階段,不要灰心、放棄繼續向前走,終於會達到一百分。If we compare the whole stage of reciting practice to the grades in tests from 0 to 100 points, there will be five stages. We can understand where we are through the following steps.

默念真經可分為的幾個階段:Five stages of reciting:

1、妄念大作:1、many thoughts appear when reciting.

2、覺識煩動:2、still absent-minded but without specific objects to think of.

3、專心持念:3、concentrate on reciting.

4、念而無念4:、seem to stop reciting when our minds become peaceful and tranquil.

5、無念而念:5、automatically reciting before the disaster comes.

1、妄念大作:1、many thoughts appear when reciting.

剛開始持念真經的人,往往會驚訝於自己心中怎麼會出現那麼多的妄念,以往沒有察覺的妄念、自己都不相信存在於自己生命中的妄念、千奇百怪的妄念…。                                                       For beginners, they are often surprised at their distractive thoughts when reciting. They were not aware of those thoughts before and wouldn’t recognize them.

這個階段,往往唸不到幾句真經心就跑掉,察覺到心跑掉,再把真經抓回來念,念了心又跑掉…這樣反反覆覆的在打妄念與默念真經二者間擺盪。                                                                       In the first stage, practitioners are often absent minded. They can be aware of this, and grasp the Five Word Sutra again. However, after a while, their thoughts still keep wandering. So, they are struggling between these two statuses.


這是所有修持開始的第一個過程,一般不修行的人,不會察覺自己心中有什麼妄想、執著,不認識自己的「心」,簡單的說:自己的心在想什麼都不知道。                                                         This is the first stage of any practice. Common people usually cannot be aware of their illusory thoughts or attachments. They don’t know about their minds. Simply speaking they even don’t know what they are thinking about.

開始修行,第一階段就是開始認識我們的心,發現我們的心平時都在想些什麼。有時內容會讓我們困惑,因為自己不知道自己會想這些內容。Therefore, the first stage of religious practice is to understand our minds, to discover what we are thinking about. We may be confused by our own thinking because it seems that it comes from nowhere.

所以雖然這個階段我們察覺自己有那麼多妄念,但是卻是一個很好的開始,一個認識自己的機會,發現自己的心裝了些什麼。                                                                                              Though in this stage, we have so many illusory thoughts, it is really good beginning. It’s a good chance to know ourselves and discover what we are thinking about.

有些人發現自己的心重複的在想一些最近發生的事情,包括別人說的話、自己說話…。有些人則常常想一些陳年舊事,還有人心中的念頭都是別人的可惡可恨…。Some people find they keep thinking about recent affairs, including their own and other people’s words. Some people may think about their old times. Still others may think of other people’s wrong doings, etc.

2、覺識煩動:2、still absent-minded but without specific objects to think of.

經過第一階段如果沒有放棄,漸漸會進入下一個階段「覺識煩動」,發現自己的心跑掉,但是不知道自己在想些什麼。第一階段心跑掉時很清楚自己在想些什麼,第二階段雖然心還是跑掉,但已沒有具體的想法。If we don’t give up and keep reciting, we will enter the next stage gradually. In this period, we will find ourselves absent-minded, but we don’t know what we are thinking about. In the last period, we clearly know what our thoughts are, but in this period, we don’t have specific objects to consider. Therefore, in the first stage, we may still be influenced by our emotions resulting from the thoughts; however, in this stage, our minds may become more peaceful without the bothering of thoughts.

3、專心持念:3、concentrate on reciting.

默念真經時,大部分時間都能夠「淨念相繼」,真經不間斷。                                                  In this stage, we can keep reciting each of the Five Words continuously with pure thoughts.

4、念而無念:4、seem to stop reciting when our minds become peaceful and tranquil.

持續上一個階段的專注,進一步的,念真經會念到真經自動消失,妄念也同時消失,處於無念的狀態。就像病好了,藥也自動不吃了。If we continue the previous concentration, we may, after a period of time, feel the Five Word Sutra seem to disappear. Also, distractive thoughts disappear. Our minds are in the state of no-thought, just like there is no need to take medicine anymore when we get well.  

默念真經,念到心清靜下來以後,真經也自然消失,當真經消失時,心中也沒有其他的貪、嗔、癡…等惡念生起。如果有念生出,也都是慈悲、智慧之念。慈悲的念頭是關愛眾生,智慧的念頭則是解決問題。When we recite the Five Word Sutra and find our minds become peaceful and tranquil, the Sutra will disappear naturally. When the Sutra disappears, there are no other bed thoughts like greed, hatred, and stupidity anymore. If some thoughts come to our mind at this time, they will all be thought of compassion and wisdom to care of sentient beings and solve problems.


有些道親養成默念真經的習慣後,常有一種體驗,就是在默念真經時,會突然有些靈感,這些靈感是對平日困擾自己的是徒然有所領悟,或知道如何解決…的靈感。Some Tao members may have the experience to get certain inspiration after they have the habit of the reciting. Such an inspiration is usually about the problems that bother them for a long time.

5、無念而念(有程度差別):5、automatically reciting before the disaster comes.

沒有刻意去默念真經,卻發現自己在默念。                                                                        This is a stage when we find ourselves automatically reciting the Sutra.

當疾病、災禍、人事衝突…發生時,真經自然會出現,當這些因素消失時,真經自動消失。但是有些時候,並沒有任何災厄發生,心情也是平靜的,但是卻察覺自己在默念真經。                           When diseases, disasters or conflicts are going to happen, the Five Word Sutra will appear automatically. When these problems disappear, the Sutra disappears too. However, we may also be aware that we start to recite when there is no any disaster or when we feel peaceful.

這種時候往往是災厄(身或心的災厄)即將發生,而修持功夫已經到達可以「制敵機先」在災禍來臨以前先默念真經消除了即將發生的業障。In such a case, it means physical or mental disasters are about to happen, but our practice has helped reduce the bad karma caused by them before disasters come. This can be owed to the merits of reciting the Five Word Sutra.

這是老子所說的「其未兆易謀」This is also what Lao-tzu said, “to be able to be aware and solve what is going to happen.”

舉例而言,一位道親以前常出車禍或大災難,每次出事以前幾天眼皮都會一直跳,雖然知道大禍臨頭也無法避免。但是這幾年常持真經,眼皮跳的時候以為又即將有災禍,但卻都沒有發生,就是已經到「無念而念」化劫於無形。For example, a Tao member used to have a trembling eyelid before the big car accident or disasters. She could not avoid the problem though she knew something was going to happen. Up to now, she has kept reciting the Sutra for years. Sometimes her eyelid trembles again, but nothing happens. Therefore, we can say she has achieved this stage—to be able to solve or prevent disasters in advance.


點亮生命的光-5          英文翻譯 : Lily Zhang (中英對照)       

默念真經問答 :Q&A

問:默念真經和一般念佛有何不同?                                                                          What’s the difference between reciting the Five Word Sutra and Buddha’s names?

念佛,人人會念,但要念到一心不亂、心不顛倒,才能與佛世界完全感應道交,就像人人會玩水,但不是人人會游泳。Everyone can recite Buddha’s names. But it’s hard to recite with total concentration. With a highly-concentrated mind, he can connect the Buddha’s pure land completely. This is like that everyone can play in the water, but not everyone can swim.

我們求道時因為先經過傳道儀式克己復禮、六根歸元的洗禮,然後才傳受無字真經。當時我們第一次持念無字真經時,就已處於一心不亂、全神貫注,所以以後再念時,就很容易回到一心不亂。 Before receiving the Five Word Sutra, we have experienced the solemn ceremony in which we pay highly attention to our Buddha nature without any distractive thought. At that time, we recite the Five Word Sutra with One mind for the first time and total concentration. Therefore, it will be very easy for us to return to and review that state.


就像曾經持續游泳二十公尺沒有沉下去,即使多年沒有游泳,再游泳時也很容易就記起如何游。 It’s like a swimmer who has swum successfully and continuously for 20 meters. Even though he never swims for several years, it will still be easy for him to remember how to swim again.

另外,默念真經有彌勒佛力加持。這是彌勒祖師對我們的承諾,無論何時何地只要我們在心中呼求祂,祂都會回應我們、加持我們、救護我們。On the other hand, the Five Word Sutra has the great blessing from Maitriya Buddha. This is his promise to us. Whenever and wherever we are, just call his name and he will respond us and save us.

我們得到這個真經是在求道時無念的狀態下,所以念這個真經和念別的佛號不一樣,它可以印到你的本心。 Because we receive the Five Word Sutra with One mind, it’s very different from reciting other Buddha’s names. In this way, it can correspond to our Buddha nature.

問:沒有吃素,默念真經效果會不會大打折扣?再則,吃葷念佛,佛會不會責怪?                 Q:Will my reciting become less effective if I am not a vegetarian? Will Maitriya Buddha blame me if I eat meat and call his name?

佛對眾生就像父母對孩子,好孩子父母疼愛,壞孩子父母還是一樣疼愛,任何一位眾生只要願意念佛,不只是念彌勒佛,念任何一尊佛的佛號甚至稱上帝的名,佛都只有高興而不會生氣。          Buddha treats sentient beings as parents treat their children. Parents love bad kids as well as good kids. For any sentient being, as long as he is willing to call Buddha’s names, Buddha will always be happy.

就像父母對子女,只要子女願意回來找父母,父母就有機會救子女,父母只怕子女不來找父母,怎麼會設定門檻,一定要吃素才能來找父母?                                                                          Just as parents are to their children, Buddha is like the sentient beings’ beloved parents. They have the chance to teach children as long as children are willing to ask them for help. They only worry that their children won’t come to them. How can they set certain rules for children to follow, like being a vegetarian, before children come back?

大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章說:「十方如來憐憫憶念眾生就像母親時時刻刻思念子女一樣,可是如果子女逃逸無蹤,母親再怎麼思念也見不到子女,但是如果子女也開始思念母親,母子相憶必能相見。所以眾生念佛,眼前或未來,必定見佛。」由此可知佛不是我們念祂,祂才念我們,而是無時無刻不在思念我們。我們一念祂,就立刻與祂相應。As one Buddhist sutra said, “All Buddha and bodhisattvas love and remember sentient beings just as a mother loves and remembers her children. If the children run far away, the mother cannot see them anywhere. However, if the children also start to miss the mother, they will meet each other because of their mutual missing. Therefore, when sentient beings recite Buddha’s name, their will see Buddha at present or in the future. Buddha loves us not because we miss or call him; instead, he keeps missing us all the time. Once we recite Buddha’s name, we will get connected with him.

就像最前面台大校長李嗣涔作的實驗,只要』佛『字在,佛就現光明來照耀我們的生命。            This is like the previous experiment done by Dr. Lee in NTU. As long as the word “Buddha” exists, Buddha will give us the brightness to shine our lives.

問:為什麼有人默念真經有美好、殊勝的覺受,有人沒有,甚至越念心越亂?                        Q:why do some people have wonderful and special feelings when reciting the Five Word Sutra? And some others have confusing thoughts?

默念真經專注程度不同效果自然不同,如果默念真經是打電話像彌勒祖師求救,一念電話就接通了,但話筒有沒有靠近耳朵?有沒有專注在聽?如果話筒離太遠,即使電話已接通也聽不到。      Different levels of concentration will bring different effects. If reciting the Five Word Sutra is calling Maitriya Buddha, it is definitely that we can get in touch with Maitriya Buddha when reciting. However, if you put the receiver far away from your ear or don’t focus, it will be hard to get Maitriya Buddha’s message.

如果妄念太多,沒有專心聽,電話接通還是聽不到。If you have too many distractive thoughts or don’t concentrate, you won’t get the benefits even if the phone call is communicated.

一樣默念真經,用百分之一的專注,和用百分之百的專注,就決定和彌勒祖師契合程度,決定能不能聽到來自佛國的訊息。若能專注到百分之十以上,就足以和彌勒祖師感應道交。Concentration in reciting can decide whether you can hear the message from pure land. One percent or one hundred percent concentration makes the difference whether you can be connected with Maitriya Buddha or not.


Some Tao members tell me they have the habit of reciting the Five Word Sutra whenever they have trouble. During the reciting, the answer will automatically appear in their mind. If they follow it, they usually solve the problem easily.

問:如果只念真經,都不去佛堂、不參與辦道,也可以成道嗎?Q: If I just recite the Sutra at home and don’t go to the temple or help transmit the Tao, will I return to Maitriya Buddha’s pure land?



A: When Tao members go to the temple to worship or serve people, they will get blessing and from Buddha and bodhisattvas. We can compare the Buddha temple to a hospital and the Three Treasure to the medicine. As the sick people go to the hospital for best cure, so practitioners return to the temple for best blessings. If the patient cannot go to the hospital, he can take the medicine home for recovery. Likewise, if practitioners cannot return to the temple, they can use the Three Treasures at home.

我們眾生都患了種種或輕或重的身、心、靈疾病,佛堂就像醫院,有仙佛醫療團隊為我們做全面的身心靈醫療,能入院接受醫療當然最好,如果不能或不願意,至少把藥帶回家天天吃,總比完全不就醫也不吃藥好。We sentient beings all have certain kind of sickness in body, mind and soul. TheBuddha temple is like the hospital, where the group of Buddha and bodhisattvas serve as doctors to cure our diseases in body, mind and soul. It’s better for us to stay in the hospital temple) for healing. However, if there is no chance to stay there, at least taking medicine home using Three Treasures) will make us feel better.

問:常默念真經會不會驚動仙佛?Q: will our reciting bother Maitriya Buddha?


A: a lot of Tao member dare not recite the Five Word Sutra any time because of their respect for Buddha and bodhisattvas. They are afraid it may bother them or even offend them. Though their thinking is good, they misunderstand what Buddha is.


「佛」是如如不動的,金剛經說:「如來者,無所從來亦無所去。」所以佛是不來不去的,絕不是唸了就來,不念就去。而是無所不在,無時不照。                                                             Buddha is All. The Diamond Sutra says, “Buddha comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.” So, Buddha

