二.人性為何有善惡之分呢 ?
2. Why is there the distinction of good and evil in the human character?
人性之善惡, 即由理性、氣性、質性而定. 理性可謂道知本體,亦即人之性,本來靈明, 純善無惡; 氣性乃道所化的太極陽氣, 亦就是人的魂, 它清濁不一, 可善可惡. 質性乃道所化的太極陰氣,亦就是人的魂,它純係物慾牽引, 有惡無善.
Whether the human character is good or evil depends on which one of the Li-xing,
Qi-xing, and Zhi-xing dominates. The Li-xing is the essence of Dao as well as the soul of a human. It is all good and has no evil. The Qi-xing is the yang side of the Tai-ji, which is evolved from Dao, and the property of a human’s Hun (the spirit of consciousness). It sometimes is pure and sometimes is contaminated. Therefore, it can be good or evil. The Zhi-xing is the yin side of the Tai-ji, and the property of a human’s Po (the spirit of sense). It is all desire for materialism and all evil without any goodness.
當理性用事, 五常發現, 一切作為均能合中. 當氣性用事, 清濁不一. 而當質性用事時, 物慾衝動, 而氣質變化自然惡多善少.
If one’s Li-xing dominates, one will act in accordance with the five virtues of Dao. Everything one does will conform to the “center and harmony.” If one’s Qi-xing dominates, one may be good sometimes and evil at other times. If one’s Zhi-xing dominates, one will be deeply attracted to materialism and the consequence is that one’s temperament will almost be all evil and hardly any good.
孟子言人性本善, 就是說明天理本性.
When Mencius said that the original human character is all good, what he described is the Li-xing of the soul.
告子言人性有善有惡, 就是說的氣天的性.
When Gao-zi said that the original human character can be good or evil, what he described is the Qi-xing of the Hun.
荀子言人性本惡, 就是說的象天之性. 說理性是重理性不重氣性,
When Xun-zi said that the original human character is all evil, what he described is the Zhi-xing of the Po.
所以孟子稱為聖人. 說氣性是明氣性不明理性, 所以告子稱為賢人. 說質性, 只論物慾, 不明理性、氣性, 所以荀子不得稱為聖賢.
By stressing the Li-xing over the Qi-xing, Mencius is honored as a Saint. Stressing the Qi-xing, Gao-zi did not understand the Li-xing, and could only be honored as a Sage. Stressing the Zhi-xing and the desire for the material, Xun-zi did not understand either the Li-xing or the Qi-xing, and he was neither a Saint nor a Sage, but an ordinary person.
總之.儒家三子論性之善惡, 因所見深淺有別, 所以所言不同.
In brief, the three Confucian scholars expressed their concepts regarding the original human character differently because of their different levels of understanding Dao.