道統沿革性理釋疑(四) –
The Answers to the Truth (IV) - The Lineage of Dao
天道之道統, 承繼了中國固有文化, 從人類最早伏羲氏開始, 繼而一脈相傳, 至孟子而後中斷, 道脈西遷, 達摩復還中國, 一脈單傳, 沿襲至今, 祖祖所承的是天命真傳、心法真傳、道統真傳..
1. Introduction
The Lineage of Dao inherits the essence of the Chinese culture. It began with the first Saint of humankind, Fu-xi Shi, and continued until Mencius. Then, the Heritage shifted to the West. Thereafter, the Heritage returned to China by Da-Muo Xu-Shi (Patriarch Bodhidharma, the twenty eighth Indian and the first Chinese Patriarch), and was passed on from one Patriarch to another until now. What the Patriarchs inherit are the Heavenly Decree, the essence of Dao, and the True Lineage of Dao.
道由整而分三教, 而五教. 道脈即默傳三教之間. 耶穌與穆聖, 皆為天命聖人, 唯?荷天命, 惜未繼道統. 天命心法授受有顯有隱, 乃天地間陰陽氣數消長使然, 非人心所知. 吾人應以深沈之智慧, 審時度勢, 並從歷史背景, 五教發展演變及目下人心災劫, 及中華文化特質, 綜合研判, 方能領悟、洞悉上帝的真機.
The essence of Dao, as Oneness, split into three and then five major great religions. Unknown to most people, the Heritage was carried by the three major great religions: Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Although Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed, two Saints, had Heavenly Decree, they did not inherit the Heritage of Dao. The accessibility of the essence of Dao is in accordance with the changes of yin and yang. During certain periods, Heavenly Decree and the transmission of the essence of Dao are apparent while during other periods, they are known only by a few. This is beyond human intellect. To truly understand the meaning of God’s message, we must apply our deepest wisdom to investigate and analyze factors such as timing, regional and historical backgrounds, the evolution and development of the five major religions, the deterioration of morality, the occurrence of catastrophes, and the unique characteristics of the Chinese culture.