2009年12月23日 星期三



What Are the Three Treasures? sticky icon

What Are the Three Treasures?


Situation: Mike and Sandy are asking Gina what the Three Treasures are.



Mike: Why do we get the Three Treasures during the Tao receiving ceremony? Why are the Three Treasures the most important ways of practice in I-Kuan Tao?


Gina: Well, you get the point, Mike. But before answering your question, can either one of you tell me what the three treasures are?



What is I-Kuan Tao?



Situation: Gina tries to explain what I-Kuan Tao is to her friends.




Mike: Gina, can you tell me something about I-Kuan Tao? I know you’re one of the Tao followers, right?

Mike: Gina,你可以告訴我一些一貫道的事嗎?你是一貫道的道親,對吧?

Gina: Yes, I am. And I’m glad to tell you about I-Kuan Tao. Actually, the spirit of I-Kuan Tao is to worship God and have a big-hearted attitude. I-Kuan Tao interweaves its culture with Chinese culture.

Gina: 是的,我是一貫道道親,也很樂意告訴你一貫道的事情,其實,一貫道的宗旨是禮敬上天以及擁有寬大的胸襟,此外,一貫道的文化和中國的文化是緊密結合的。

Sandy: Oh, I see. But can you elaborate more?

What Are the Three Treasures?


By admin - Posted on 25 March 2008



What Are the Three Treasures?


Situation: Mike and Sandy are asking Gina what the Three Treasures are.




Mike: Why do we get the Three Treasures during the Tao receiving ceremony? Why are the Three Treasures the most important ways of practice in I-Kuan Tao?


Gina: Well, you get the point, Mike. But before answering your question, can either one of you tell me what the three treasures are?


Sandy: I know, I know, they’re Heavenly Portal, Divine Mantra and the Symbolic Seal.


Gina: You’re right. Ok, since you remember what the Three Treasures are, I’d like to answer Mike’s question. The first Heavenly Portal is the place our spirit enters our physical bodies, stays and leaves later on.


Mike: Cool.


Gina: Yeah, if we no longer have our spirit, we can neither think nor move. So the Heavenly Portal is very important.


Sandy: Oh, I see. The physical body we have is from our parents, but the spirit is from the Eternal Primordial Mother.


Gina: You’re so great, Sandy. You’re such an intelligent person.


Mike: Sandy, you’re excellent. What about the second one, Gina?


Gina: The second is Divine Mantra.


Sandy: This one cannot be written in words, right?


Gina: Yes. This Mantra, connecting with God, is directly bestowed upon Tao believers by the Eternal Primordial Mother. We only say it while the Buddha Light is lit..


Mike: How do we practice the Divine Mantra if there is no character?


Gina: Well, we need to sincerely keep repeating the mantra in mind so that when we face great dangers or problems which we can’t solve ourselves, there will be Buddha to help us.


Sandy: Oh, I see. As long as we sincerely practice it, we are able to communicate with God.


Mike: Gina, you must have much experience because your explanations are easy to understand; you’re very capable.


Gina: It’s the grace of God which makes me understand.


Mike: Gina, you’re so modest. Then what about the last one, the Symbolic Seal.


Sandy: The Symbolic Seal is a mudra for returning to the Eternal Primordial Mother. Zih(子) means the beginning; Hai(亥) means the end; when Zih and Hai combine, it becomes Hai(孩), meaning “child”. Am I correct, Gina?


Gina: That’s right, Sandy. The Symbolic Seal marks those who know how to present themselves as the children of the Eternal Primordial Mother. Only if we always keep in mind our relationship with the Mother, lots of dangerous things will be less serious.


Mike: Wow, it’s so wonderful! I’ve got the most important treasure in my life!


Sandy: Thanks God and Gina who make us understand the true meaning of the Three Treasures.


Gina: In fact, only if we often practice the Three Treasures, God will definitely help us keep a clearer mind and to be more confident.


Sandy&Mike: We got it, and we’ll practice the Three Treasures by heart; thanks a lot!


What is I-Kuan Tao?


By admin - Posted on 24 March 2008


Situation: Gina tries to explain what I-Kuan Tao is to her friends.




Mike: Gina, can you tell me something about I-Kuan Tao? I know you’re one of the Tao followers, right?

Mike: Gina,你可以告訴我一些一貫道的事嗎?你是一貫道的道親,對吧?

Gina: Yes, I am. And I’m glad to tell you about I-Kuan Tao. Actually, the spirit of I-Kuan Tao is to worship God and have a big-hearted attitude. I-Kuan Tao interweaves its culture with Chinese culture.

Gina: 是的,我是一貫道道親,也很樂意告訴你一貫道的事情,其實,一貫道的宗旨是禮敬上天以及擁有寬大的胸襟,此外,一貫道的文化和中國的文化是緊密結合的。

Sandy: Oh, I see. But can you elaborate more?

Sandy: 噢,我了解了。你可不可以再說得詳細一點呢?

Gina: Let me put it this way. I-Kuan Tao helps people understand the true nature that everyone possesses and inspires the morality in humans. Tao followers also hold various charitable activities. Most importantly, I-Kuan Tao advocates the world should be united as one in peace.

Gina: 那我換個方式說。一貫道幫助人們了解本自具足的本性,然後啟發人類的良知良能,道親也會舉辦多種不同的慈善活動;最重要的是,一貫道認為世界應以和平的方式共處。

Mike: I get it. Well, now I’m getting more and more interested in I-Kuan Tao.

Mike: 我知道了,恩,我現在對一貫道更有興趣了。

Gina: Great. How about visiting our temple with me someday?

Gina: 太好了,不如找一天我們一起去佛堂吧?

Mike & Sandy: We would love to.

Mike & Sandy: 好啊。


