2009年12月23日 星期三



2.  Benefits of receiving and cultivation Tao



(1) To change our temperament and get rid of bad habits, behaviors

As Dao cultivators always follow the aspiration of Buddha’s, saints and virtuous persons, and always study the true meaning of life and then understand the real meaning and mission of human life.  After we received Dao, we receive influence from the spiritual strength during our cultivation process, naturally we’ll change our temperament and become awe-inspiring, righteous and become a benevolent person.  In addition, we learn the temple rules and manners, we always treat people with modest and good nature and we understand how to do things in a proper way. At the same time, we cultivate our inner self, we mend our shortcomings, control our temper.  Step by step, our inner sincerity will be put into actions. Thus, the temperament is changed.



(2) Open our wisdom

We are very fortunate to receive Dao and have our Gate/Heavenly Portal unlocked by our Enlightening Teacher.  We also have received Three Treasures in the Dao receiving ceremony and our “Eye of Wisdom” was hence opened.  When the Heavenly Portal is unlocked, the mysteries have the answers. As long as we cultivate ourselves by following the Dharma to restore our true self as pure and glorious as ever, our wisdom will be naturally revealed.  Furthermore, educations in temples are based on religious scriptures; Chinese classics and universal truth, our wisdom and knowledge will increase day by day from association with beneficial teachers and beneficial friends.




(3) Change one’s fate

During the daily life of learning, practicing and cultivating Dao, we have put in our best effort and doing what we have to do.  We also put the true meaning of life in practice. Imperceptibly we develop endless love, merciful heart and become happy and sincere in helping others.  We’ll increase our good fortune while we take responsibility in the Dao affairs and help more people to receive Dao.  Your fate will have a positive change because of your love and justice to others.  That is: When you are kind-hearted, you will have good fate. Wise people manage their fate well. We are actively cultivating and propagating Dao and become a man with merits and virtues, naturally, our fate will change from miserable to smooth and bright. 



(4) Ancestors and descendants can also benefit from the heavenly mercy.

Scripture says: When one receives Dao, his descendants and ancestors will be benefited and glorified..  When one in mortal world receives Dao and starts to learn and practice Dao, his/her ancestors’ souls in underworld will get a white lotus flower and they are allowed to receive the enlightening teaching of Di-Zang Buddha (Ksitigarbha Buddha), then cultivate there in order to transcend the cycle of reincarnation.  Per the Dao Temple regulations, those who have   enough merits and virtues can directly help their passed away parents’ souls to receive Dao.  Isn’t this beneficial for your ancestors who can share the benefits and glory of Dao?  This is because you and your ancestors’ blood are related.  Furthermore, cultivating and propagating Dao is a monumental accomplishment for becoming sages or even Buddha’s and eventually we can return to the heaven staying with our ancestors for long lasting joyful time, isn’t this the highest level of duty and honor to any parent?



(5) Avoid disaster and escape calamity

We created our own disasters, calamity and misfortune because we have neglected our true self or original nature.  We disobey our conscience and not following the law of nature and Dao.  All these made our selves take the karma in this lifetime.  A Saint said: When you help yourself and others, you will get help from God. After we received Dao, we understand we have to take control from our true self or conscience.  We also repent our sins and mistakes all the time and to turn over a new leaf of yourself.  At the same time, during the process of learning, cultivating, propagating Dao, we have developed a habit of helping and benefiting others. We are cultivating good fortunes and wisdom at the same time. Because of our cultivation we will get protection of the immortals, divines and saints. In addition, after we received Dao, we are close to Buddha’s and receive the light from their halos/ aureoles. We also have the Three Treasures to cultivate. When we are in an emergency situation or disaster, we’ll get Buddha’s’ help. So we can turn bad luck to good fortunes, and avoid disaster and escape calamity. Though, every one needs to be responsible for his/her own karma, God and Buddha’s are minimizing disaster, calamity to the least.



(6) Transcend the life and death reincarnation

Sakyamuni Buddha gave up all his wealth & position being a prince of the country, only because he knew that he had to find an enlightened teacher to receive Dao and transcend birth & death reincarnation. Today we are so fortunate to have the Enlightening Teacher to pass this true Dao to us, our names are now registered in Heaven and deleted from life & death book in underworld and no longer in the control of the king of Hades(the underworld).  If we can keep cultivating our morality and virtues, we’ll get protection and blessing from and heaven and Mi-Le Patriarch (Master). Eventually one day when we pass away, our physical body will be soft and look alive and having a smile on our face; the body will not easily rotten in summer and harden in winter.  These are evidence of your soul has returned to heaven and avoided the reincarnation. 



(7) Most extraordinary Dharma because it is easy to reach enlightenment

There are many different religions and different ways for cultivation in this mortal world, which could be split into Small Vehicle Doctrine, Medium Vehicle Doctrine and Great Vehicle Doctrine.  Vehicle is to transport human beings from miserable to happiness, free them from reincarnation and finally achieve nirvana.  Ancient saying: ”If you can find the Correct Way for cultivation you’ll become a Buddha, or you are just doing blind cultivation”.  Therefore, the Great Vehicle is the best way for all cultivators. What is the Great Vehicle?  What are the differences from other ways of cultivation?

() 下乘法 - 若執形著象,敲打念唱,計較得失,貪圖現世利益或來世福報,不知「凡所有相,皆是虛妄。」以如此有為之心,雖修種種善行,名為下乘。今世修善,來世享福,福盡善盡,仍墜輪迴,此乃循環之理,行此法可成為善人享人天福報。

1. Small Vehicle: Attached to forms, making efforts on chanting scriptures only, without put it in daily life. Always calculate gains and losses, strong desires for benefits in this lifetime or good fortunes in next life. They fail to realize that “everything that has physical form is unreal and fake”.  This type of cultivation belongs to Small Vehicle even though they are doing many good deeds. These goods bring good blessings and fortunes in their next life. However, the end of next life still results in reincarnation. This is the law of circulation.  People who cultivate this Vehicle could become virtuous and enjoy the good fortunes.

() 中乘法 - 若執著氣數,沈迷陰陽五行,企圖藉著抽填燒煉、數息吐納,以轉法輪、運週天,雖達到一定效驗,仍難脫生死輪迴,此為中乘法。

2. Medium Vehicle: Attached to the knowledge and practice of Qi – Yin and Yang energy in human body, and the five primary elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water).  This way of cultivation does bring certain effects though it still cannot avoid the reincarnation.

(三) 上乘法 - 若明萬法不離本心,一切不離自性,但得大善知識直示本來,通達性理真傳,當下一了百了,更無言說,亦無少法可得,是一指直超的上乘法。吾道祖祖相傳師師相授,口傳心印,直指良心,見性成佛,脫氣還理,成道後歸無極理天。

3. Great Vehicle:  If you understand all dharma never apart from original heart and everything stays with true nature/true self.  When initiated by Enlightening Teacher, you will have clear understanding of true transmission of the principle of self-nature. This true nature is within you, not from external.  Dao is passed at one to one basis by all Patriarchs (Masters), directly point out the Gate, passing us the divine Mantra, everyone is potential Buddha since we have the same nature as Buddha’s. We can return to Heaven when the Buddhahood is being reached.


3. Conclusion

一、     求道修道的好處無窮盡,只怕你不做,不怕沒有好處,要掘多少寶貝就有多少寶貝,這就是入寶山,不要空手而回,其福德不能用語言可以說盡的。

(1) The benefits of receiving & cultivating Dao are countless, you do it & to be benefited, there is no limit. It is like you found a mountain full of treasures and do not leave with empty handed. All the benefits & blessings are beyond words.


(2) People who cultivate Medium and Small Vehicles only benefit from short period of good fortunes in lower levels of heaven or in the next life. They will fall into reincarnation after that, this is not the way once for all.  Cultivate the Great Vehicle by the initiation from the Heavenly mandated Enlightening Teacher and cultivate truly. Eventually you will reach the Buddhahood in Heaven and leave good fame in this mortal world as a good example.  Your seven generations of ancestors and nine generations of descendants can also benefit to return to Heaven. Diligently cultivate the Great Vehicle is the Way of best choice after all. 




