2009年12月23日 星期三

名言 & 英諺

名言 & 英諺

□成功是優點的發揮,失敗是缺點的累積    □每次心情跌到谷底,就對自己說:休息一下再重新開始吧

□不要讓挫敗把你擺平,再給自己一個機會,從新再出發  □完成一個小目標,會把自己推向一個大目標

□一句溫暖的話,就像往別人身上灑香水,自己也會沾到兩三滴  □快樂不是因為擁有的多,而是計較的少



□愛有不同的名字,其中一個叫體諒     □生活可以用心,但不必多心

□三分之一的人生,可以決定另外三分之二的人生     □困難的背後,隱藏著通往成功的階梯

□面臨重大的決擇,冷靜是最好的顧問     □成功的秘訣在於:當機會來臨時,你已準備妥當

□No man is born wise or learned.  世上沒有生而知之者
□A true friend is one soul in two bodies.  摯友如異體同心
□Time is money.  時間就是金錢
□Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧
□A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難中的朋友才是真正的朋友
□Money talks.有錢能使鬼推磨
□No pain, No gain.天下沒有白吃的午餐
□First come, first served.先下手為強
□It's never too late to learn.學習永不嫌遲
□To kill two birds with one stone.一石二鳥
□There's no limit if you look up.人外有人,天外有天
□Speak of the devil,and he is sure to appear.說曹操曹操就到
□Time and industry produce every day new knowledge.--Gobbes時間與勤勞,使用學識日增--哥比斯
□Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.--German proverb工作雖苦,果實卻甘--德國諺語
□--They say so--,is half a lie.--Thomas Fuller--據他們所說--,這是一半謊言--湯姆斯 傅勒
□A wise man thinks before he speaks, but a fool speaks and then thinks of what he has been   saying.--French proverb智者,思而後言;愚者,先言後思--法國諺語
□All men naturally desire to know.--Aristotle凡人都生而具有求知的慾望--亞里斯多德
□Never give advice in a crowd.--Arab proverb勿在大庭廣眾間給人以忠告--阿拉伯諺語
□A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit.--Milton好書是偉大心靈的寶貴血脈--彌爾敦
□Doubting and questioning, you have got through half of your studying course.-- Chan Hsien Chang

□A fault confesssed is half redressed.--H.G.Bohn知過,則已改過了一半了--波恩
□Better to read little with thought than much with levity and qulickness.--Tupper
□Conduct is three-fourths of our life and its largest concern.--Mathew Arnold
 行為佔我們生命的四分之三,且為最重要的--馬林 安諾德

□The less one thinks,the more one speaks--French proverb越不思索的人,胡言越多--法國諺語
□It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it.--R.Jefferies
□Knowledge is the realization of ignorace.--Spanish proverb知識使人認識自己的無知--西班牙諺語
□Imagination is more important than knowledge.--Albert Einstein想像尤重要與學識--愛因斯坦
□Great men are not always wise.--Bible偉人並非常常是聰明的--聖經
□The empty vessel makes the greatest sound.--Shakespeare虛空之器,發聲最響--莎士比亞
□What makes life dreary is the want of motive.George Eliot使人生覺得可怕的,是沒有動機--喬治 艾里略特
□There is no royal road to learning.--Trollope求學問並無捷徑--特洛洛普
□Thought is the seed of action.--Emerson思想為行動之種籽--愛默生
□Saying and doing are two things.--John Herwood言與行,係兩樣事--約翰 赫渥特
□Silence is sometimes the severest criticism.--Charles Buxton緘默有時是最嚴厲的批評--查理士 巴塞頓
□Slow and steady wins the race.--Robert Lloyd綏而遠,操勝券--羅勃 萊德
□Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.--Spanish proverb不思而言,無的放矢--西班牙諺語
□Chance favors the prepared mind.成功機會常落在有準備者手中--西方諺語

