2009年12月23日 星期三



Bright Wisdom (II) –

Dao Cultivation Is to Cultivate One’s Heart/Mind



We can cultivate at any place so long as we have sincere heart and Buddha’s heart.


When we say “Dao cultivation means to cultivate one’s heart”, then what heart to cultivate? It is to cultivate a tranquil heart; which means to rid of human’s heart, selfish and unjust heart and biased, prejudiced heart and restore the central, righteous heavenly heart. The righteous heavenly heart is close to the Golden Mean and unbiased heart.

何謂修道?何謂行道?修道有七要件:一、修身養性;二、滌去妄想; 三、掃三心、飛四相;四、合乎自然;五、一心清淨;六、不疑不惑;七、主敬存誠。 

What is Dao cultivation? What is Dao practicing? There are seven indispensable aspects in Dao cultivation:

1. Cultivate the body and nature. 2. Get rid of irrational thinking/vain attempt or delusions. 3. Sweep/ clear the Three Minds (the past, the present and the future) and the Four Phases (the Self ego, the Opposite party, the Sentient Beings and the Wealthy, healthy) 4. Accord with the nature. 5. Keep a clear and tranquil heart. 6. Do not doubt or be confused. 7. Be respectful and sincere.

行道也有七要件:一、行功立德; 二、濟世救人; 三、犧牲自己; 四、照亮別人; 五、普渡眾生;六、以身作則;七、正己成人。

There are also seven necessities/necessary elements in Dao practicing:

1. Build up merits and virtues. 2. Benefit the world and save people. 3. Sacrifice oneself. 4. Bring light to other people. 5. Guide sentient beings to be enlightened by the Truth/gospels. 6. Be a good model yourself. 7. Correctly/Righteously develop oneself and help others to do the same.


You need to be watchful whenever a thought arises out of your mind, once this thought is wrong or crooked, then your behavior will be wrong or crooked as well. Never think that our bad thought is not known to the people, any thought will be transmitted in this universe and which will transmit this thought to anyone. Therefore, do not cheat yourself and the others, do not cheat your own conscience. 


Once a man’s nature is covered by dirt, it will be difficult for him to realize the True Self. This is like a man’s heart, which will be brighter, more open and upright when acting toward goodness.


Whatever you do, you will surely pay for it. Do not be afraid of what you are going to pay, instead, you should be afraid if you cannot stabilize your heart. Therefore, do not just think of seeing the fruitful result without paying for it, which is impossible.                


All kinds of changes are the one’s of our hearts. When you see someone and feel he is disgusting, it is your heart that disgusts; when you feel he is cute and you like him, it is also your heart that is cute. If you see something, which is pleasing to your eyes, it is your heart that is pleasant; if you see something which is not pleasing to your eyes, it is your heart that is not peaceful and pleasant.


You must weigh the gains, losses and results before you do something. Further, examine your own thought at every instant, because a good thought leading to heaven while a bad one results in hell. Heaven and hell lie in your thoughts. Therefore, we should examine and realize our thoughts constantly.


Dao cultivation is at every instant, not in the deep or superficial knowledge of Dao, nor you are new or old Dao members, so long as you have the sincerity. So long as you can seize a good thought and keep alert to a bad one, this is Dao cultivation.



Man has countless thoughts once he is born to this secular world. Usually we feel smooth when we indulge our thoughts in the outward direction. And we feel it is very difficult to concentrate our thoughts inwardly.  It is quick for a thought to go smoothly out while it is regress to bring it back. In other words, set it free outwardly may result in bad effect while getting it back to introspect may build holiness. Therefore, it is called “turn the heart back” when advise people to learn the Dao. Turn the heart back means to examine oneself; examine oneself means to retrospect one’s conscience. Thus, our soul will not suffer in the reincarnation of the Six Paths.


It is called Dao cultivation so long as we can keep watching our thoughts well. Retrieving the heart in order to cultivate then to tranquilize it so as to meet Heaven’s will. Then, is your heart retrieved yet? Do you handle your heart well? Is your heart here? Your contemplation, your everything and all your thinking make your mind moved, affected by external things.


Do not put your heart in a wrong position, a minor error may result in huge mistakes. So, do not misuse the heart. Now start to adjust the seriously biased heart and this is called ‘cultivating’, ‘learning’. The efforts of learning and cultivating need to be made on yourself. What the lecturer says is only to inspire you, you need to find it out on yourself and which is the most basic.


We need to get rid of the worldly thoughts and temperament when we say ‘cultivating is to cultivate the heart’. If we fail to cultivate our heart well, then people will say that cultivating makes no difference either cultivating or not cultivating. How can we become a cultivator if we are carrying so many desires? 


Holy Teacher does not want us to pursue the wealth but to pursue and bring our wandering heart back to show the wisdom instead of the knowledge, which may misguide us sometimes. We may misguide ourselves into loss and confusion if we fail to realize the knowledge that we are using.


Just ask and examine yourself instead of thinking about what people should do for you and what they should do to be correct. We should get rid of the thought, prejudice, and self attachment, showing our true hearts to God and Heaven. What we have got is from God including the spirits, there is nothing we can own. How can we breathe if we do not believe in God or pay no respect to Him. God creates this world and even your every single breathing coming from God.  Everything in this world is created by ‘God’, there is nothing that was made by our ‘human hearts’.


We need to practice sincerely on the road of cultivation, which means to “take enlightenment as master and wisdom as friend”. We can reach real achievement by often reminding ourselves not to be lost, confused, and not be seduced by outside temptations.


When you are working, reading, or driving, very frequently that there are some unknown and un-imaginary thoughts arising in your mind, why is that? Besides, the harder you try not to think of it, the more easily it comes up. Why? Invisibly that we are often attached to something and these attachments are unconscious. If you try to suppress it by another, this will only extinguish the problem temporarily or make it even worse. There are many problems that we need to face, just like we need to face ourselves. “Awakening” means to wake up, and to wake up means to face.


Is there any interaction, communication between you and Buddhas? Let’s think, there will be a warm tide flows in our hearts at the instant when we are most sincere, that is our conscience. You can feel ‘DAO’ is there the moment you find back the conscience, it is in what you are doing, acting and the roles you are playing.


When your magnetic field matches well with that of God, it is called “the communion of heart with heart”. Therefore, man should always keep righteous thoughts so that your magnetic field can match and communicate well with Buddhas’. The so-called magnetic field is your thought, attitude and rationale.


When a man pays 30 percent respect to god, Buddhas will pay your 70 percent or one hundred percent eventually. Where there is devotion, there is obtainment; do not request for equivalent feedback even though it really comes. “It is a real contribution when it is done without requesting repayment”. A true contribution does not need any repayment, then it can be called true cultivation.



Make your heart “return to its original emptiness”, so that your heart space can be more spacious and cover the whole universe. Then you can come and go freely. So long as it can return to emptiness, it can unite with heaven as one; since it has been united as one with the heaven, we should keep heavenly heart. Heavenly heart means unselfish, natural, unconditional, fair and equal.                



No matter how long you have received Dao, the most important thing in cultivation is to “put down/let go” the attached and illusionary heart. Put down/let go the attached heart in order to become a Buddha, or you remain an ordinary human.


When your heart can be put down, your mind can be settled down; your realization of Dao is based on the status of your heart. Though, you need to use your true heart.


If a man has no aspiration, he is like a boat without helm that floats with the tides and can never be settled down. Therefore, you need to be your own master and have your own direction to complete this short life. If you learn to put down everything, get rid of all worries and put your heart, feelings into the invisible universe, then how spacious your heart is, how happy it is! Since the ancient time all saints, buddhas learned to put down everything thus the happiness of tranquility can be procured. 


Dao cultivation is not only cultivating our appearance, the innate effort needs to be  deeper and more solid. When the innate strength is deep and solid, your heart of Dao cultivation will be everlasting; if your basic work is not solid, it is like a tree’s root that is not deep enough, it falls when strong winds blow. Therefore, if you want to cultivate and learn Dao, you need to reinforce the internal base, this is a kind of efforts of cultivation.


Why sentient beings are sentient beings? It is due to being lost and attached. When you are attached to good and bad, the heart of good and bad arises; when attached to the discrimination of yourself and the others, the heart of discrimination shows up; when attached to gain and loss, the heart of gain and loss arises; when attached to being and non-being, the heart of being and non-being shows up. Therefore, do not be attached to anything. You will be attached to what your heart is attached to, even when your benevolent heart arises, you will attached to it. When you think you can do good because of your benevolent heart, then it is not the real good. If you can perform your good thought in daily life without being attached to it, then it is the demonstration of your Boddhi-heart and it is the real benevolence. If you are attached to merits and virtues, bitterness and joy, it is called stubbornness. 


The bitterness and happiness are all created by human’s heart, therefore, heart can make Heaven and also the Hell. The mental state will be created based on how your mind turns and varies. The point is, try to break through this state of mind when you advance in your journey.


Everything has the karma, cannot be importuned/reluctantly demanded or obtained; otherwise, it falls into discrimination. Once we fall into the discrimination, the secular heart will arise which fails to be settled down, then the wisdom fails to be developed.


What is the difference between sincerity and foolish loyalty? A sincere heart is a heart with sincerity plus wisdom; a foolish loyalty does have sincerity, however, it is counting on its subjective consciousness, environment, worship and knowledge, thus the line of eyesight becomes narrow and short. Therefore, we should have a look at other people’s opinions and ideas, then, look at yourself to see what you are doing is right or not. If other people are right, you follow them; if they are wrong yet you still follow them, then it is foolish loyalty. Therefore, we need to rationalize things we do. Dao cultivation and propagation is not just to follow the seniors or the people in front of you; what will you do if they are going in wrong direction?


Some people are thinking too highly of themselves and eventually, it turns into self-inferiority. Arrogant people may easily withdraw once they are frustrated, though seemingly this arrogance cannot be released; it looks strong yet actually, it is very weak. As a matter of fact, when you face your attachment, it is better to retrospect yourself, make a step back to think, observe, then it will be easy to straighten out one’s thinking.  See yourself from the viewpoint of a spectator, you won’t be attached and will see everything clearly.


You are here to listen and learn the dharma and benefited a lot, but if you don’t put it into practice, it still does not do you any good, though you have learned a lot. If the temper and bad habits fail to be rectified and the mental obstacle, dust have not been cleansed, you still cannot be a cultivator; you just hear and know something. You cannot become a true cultivator so long as you do not put it into practice.


Only with the sincerest heart can we communicate with the heaven and earth, otherwise, how can a saint become a saint? Saint has the sincerest heart so that he can be interlinked to the heaven and earth and can therefore cultivate and nurture unselfishly and unconditionally. The cultivation and nurturing of heaven and earth is very unconditional and only this unconditional heart can create and nurture the heaven and earth.


Cultivating Dao, you need not only to distinguish the good and bad, but also to make good and bad unite as one. It is the real pure and clean when there is no good or bad in mind. This is the real internal cultivation, real non-discriminative.


Our every action is beautiful so long our thoughts are good; it turns to be ugly when the thought is bad. Buddhist says,” the thought at the point of death”, however, everyone has no idea what his last thought will be. Therefore, every instant could be the last thought. Be sure to watch every single thought on the instant, you will feel it’s been a worthwhile trip so long as the good thought is maintained at every moment of the presence.


You need to guide your own heart to an invariable realm that does not go up and down, this is the place for your heart to stay, that is called “going toward paradise”. When your mind is very clean and solemn, that is the Temple.


When a man is born to this world and starts to know things, naturally and gradually that he will search for a truth to follow, that is “cultivation”. It is not necessarily that cultivation comes after the Dao receiving.


Cultivate and propagate Dao needs realization and execution, or it turns to be vain, zero. Keep the initiating pledge and you will attain the ultimate Buddhahood for no doubt. Put your heart into effect so that your footsteps can follow, and then your future can be hopeful.


After listening to the teaching, you need to put it into practice with your heart as well.  Only listening without practice is not right. Once there was a monk who wanted to reach the Buddhahood, he meditated everyday. His Master asked him why he is doing so? The monk replied,” I do it in order to obtain the true dharma”. This is like a chariot needs to be pulled by cattle in order to move forward. Therefore, when you really want to do something, Holy Teacher does not have to tell you how, because the method needs to be found out by yourself. A road is developed by yourself. Holy Teacher will surely help you, but your heart needs to be strong and firm.


No pain, no gain.  Same is Dao cultivation. You need to know to make contribution to Dao society, to realize the truth, and your doubt will be transformed into faith. Faith is the driving force, the basis for your Dao cultivation, and also an understanding of the meaning of your life.  Your faith can make you exploit your life; it brings solutions to any difficulties you may encounter regardless they are good or bad, success or failure, you can easily solve them.


Do you often get lost while reading sutras? Have you ever thought that if this sutra suits your affinity, your way of cultivation and your personal mental state? You should find testimonies to the sutras in your own true nature.


True Nature, mind and physical body, which one would you like to have joy? Only having spiritual joy can make you full of joy of Truth. When your heart is full of the joy of Truth, then you can show the joy in your behaviors. Therefore, every one of our behavior and things in daily life are asking us to observe this “True Nature”, because we can only “demonstrate the Nature” after “realizing the Nature”.


Everything needs to meet the golden mean and the principle of the revolution of heaven and earth. Behave well and be a spiritual being above all creation, don’t waste your native intelligence. If you are not doing well, you don’t bring your nature into full play and hurt yourself as well, and eventually you taste the bitterness. You will be responsible for what you have done, no one else can replace for you.


You all say “clear the heart’s sight and realize the nature”, have you cleared your heart’s sight yet? It will not be bright when there are distracting thoughts; without being clear-sighted, how can you realize your true nature?  Realizing your nature means the emergence of your innate wondrous wisdom.


Sometimes the eyes are not used to see the right and wrong, instead, they are used to see your sincere heart. Good or bad depends on your eyes. The eyes see the good side when your heart is good; they see the bad side when the heart is bad. Do you want to be a good person or a bad one? If you want to be a good person, you should have the “eye of True Nature” to see good people’s hearts, then you will keep a good heart to be a good person.                                             


Dao receiving is just to tell you “you

