2009年12月23日 星期三

十條大愿 英文翻譯

十條大愿 英文翻譯


誠心抱守    實心懺悔 (實心修煉)

如有 虛心假意  退縮不前   欺師滅祖  藐視前人  不遵佛規

      洩漏天機   匿道不現  不量力而為者(不誠心修煉者)

Ten Great Vows

1. 誠心抱守 To be sincere and constantly adhering to the great Truth

2. 實心懺悔 To be truthful in our repentance (Gentlemen)

    (實心修煉)   To be truthful in our cultivation (Ladies)

3. 虛心假意 To be authentic in our actions

4. 退縮不前 Always keep striving forward in cultivating Tao

5. 欺師滅祖 Honor the patriarchs

6. 藐視前人   Respect our predecessors and seniors

7. 不遵佛規 Abide by Buddha's Precepts

8. 洩漏天機 Keep the heavenly secrets sacred, do not disclose them

9. 匿道不現 Express the message of Truth

10.不量力而為者 Always put in your best efforts according to your ability (Gentlemen)

     (不誠心修煉者) Always diligently cultivating Tao (Ladies)


