2009年12月23日 星期三




By pinjiang - Posted on 21 November 2008


輕鬆學美語 Tao Society Ritual and Discipline?道場禮儀與佛規禮節()?(編譯黃怡淑審稿李元佑壇主)?Situation: Sandy and Mike bring their friend Jeff to the temple to consult Gina about Tao society ritual and discipline.?場景姍蒂以及麥克帶著好友傑夫到佛堂向吉娜請教道場禮儀與佛規禮節。?Sandy: Good evening, Gina.?姍蒂:晚安吉娜。?Gina: Good evening, Sandy. Good evening, Mike. It’s great to see you here.?吉娜晚安姍蒂、麥克很高興見到你們?Sandy: This is Jeff, our friend. Jeff, this is the Tao believer, Gina.?姍蒂這位是傑夫是我們的朋友。傑夫這位是吉娜前賢。?Gina: Good evening, Jeff. Nice to meet you.?吉娜晚安傑夫。很高興認識你。?Jeff: Good evening, nice to meet you, too.?傑夫晚安我也很高興認識你。?Mike: Jeff, Gina is a Tao believer, and she knows about the Tao society very well. We always consult her when we have questions.?麥克傑夫吉娜是道場的前賢對道場的禮儀還有道義了解得很多我們每次有問題都會請教她。?Gina: Thanks for the grace of God to give me the chance to help others. In fact, we are like a big family in the temple, helping one another sincerely without gaining any rewards. So Jeff, is this your first time coming to the temple after receiving the transmission of Tao? Do you have any question??吉娜上天慈悲才有機會學習了愿。在佛堂我們就像一個大家庭要相互幫助。傑夫這是你求道後第一次到佛堂來嗎有沒有什麼不清楚的地方呢?Jeff: Yes, it’s my first time coming to the temple after receiving the transmission of Tao. Hum, why do we bow to the Buddha when we arrive at the temple? Mike just told me that bowing is one of the ways to show respect to the Buddha. Can you explain more??傑夫這是除了求道外我第一次到佛堂但我不了解為什麼到佛堂要先鞠躬。麥克告訴我鞠躬是表示對仙佛尊敬的方式之一妳可以為我解釋嗎?Gina: Sure. Thank you for giving me this chance to do the explanation. But I’ll ask you a question first. What’s gonna be the first thing you do when you visit someone??吉娜好的感謝你給後學這個學習的機會。不過後學先請教你一個問題,當你去拜訪朋友時你做的第一件事情是什麼?Jeff: I’ll say hello to the host to make sure he knows I have arrived.?傑夫我會先跟主人打招呼告訴他我到了。?Sandy: Yeah, it’s a polite way to greet the host to let him know you’re there. We’re doing the same thing in the temple. When we come to the temple, we need to tell the Buddha that we have arrived, and the ritual is called arrival ritual.?姍蒂沒錯先跟主人打招呼告知你到了是一種禮貌。我們在佛堂也是啊。來到佛堂時先跟佛仙我們到了這就是一種進退的禮儀我們稱為參駕禮。?Gina: Sandy, you’re so great and you’re getting more and more like an experienced Tao believer. Jeff, besides the arrival ritual, before leaving the temple, we also have to perform the departure ritual. And this is the “greetings of coming and leaving”.?吉娜姍蒂不錯妳越來越有道氣了傑夫來到佛堂我們除了參駕禮外離開佛堂前也要行辭駕禮這就是「來參去辭」。?Jeff: Oh, I see. Same as we do at home. When we’re leaving home, we need to tell our parents we’re going out, and vise versa.?傑夫我了解了就跟在家裡一樣要出門要先跟父母去那裡回家時也要跟父母回來了。?Mike: You’re right. It’s letting our parents know where we are. Jeff, you’re doing a good job.?麥克這就是「出告返面」傑夫你做得很好喔?Gina: You’re good boys and good girl! So when we come to the temple, we’ll perform the “ritual of arrival and departure” to inform the Eternal Primordial Mother and all the Heavenly Deities of our arrival at the temple.?吉娜看來你們都是好孩子所以我們來到佛堂就會行參辭駕禮向無極老母()及諸天仙佛「出告返面」。?Jeff: But why do we have to kneel on the prayer pad, can’t we just bow??傑夫為什麼要行跪拜禮呢不能只是行鞠躬禮嗎?Gina: Kneeling on the prayer pad is to show our respects for the Buddha. Only when a seminar is going on or due to health problems that we’ll bow three times. Otherwise, we always kneel on the prayer pad to perform the ritual.?吉娜這是表示尊重的心。所以通常除了開班中或身體有不適會以三鞠躬的方式變通外都會在拜墊上行跪拜禮。?Mike: The action of kneel and bow is to remind us to be humble and to examine and look back on ourselves, so that we are not blinded by our desires. We are supposed to enhance our spirit in the grace of God.?麥克跪拜的這個動作是要我們能謙下提醒我們要時時反省、時時看回來自己。不被外在的慾望所牽絆而能在天恩師德的護佑中心靈獲得充實。?Sandy: Well, my fidgety mind will calm down much whenever I kneel and bow.?姍蒂對啊每次作揖、跪的時候後學的心就變得平靜許多自己煩躁的心也放下了。?Jeff: Really! Well, it seems a bit odd to me to kneel down on the prayer pad.?傑夫真的啊可是跪在拜殿上會覺得怪怪的?Gina: Both Sandy and Mike did some very good explanations. In fact, it’s not comfortable to kneel on the prayer pad at first, but as Buddha and Saints say that it is virtuous to be humble and polite. Frankly speaking, I couldn’t accept it in the beginning so I refused to do it; however, after being more familiar with Tao society, I now feel that it is very natural to perform the rituals.?吉娜你們都解釋的很好。剛開始的確會讓你感到跪拜會有點不自在但聖賢仙佛曾慈悲「心謙下是功外行於禮是德」。其實後學一開始也和你們一樣不能適應而不願行跪拜的禮節但漸漸的了解了以後就變得很自然了。?Sandy: Really? you refused to do it at first.?姍蒂真的嗎你也曾拒這麼做。?Mike: Then what made you change??麥克那你後來為什麼改變了呢?Gina: Well, Tao changed me. Since I came to the temple more often, I experienced the grace of God. In addition, in doing the ritual of kneeling and bowing, I learned to be less stubborn and paid more attention to my inner self.?吉娜是「道」改變了後學只要多接近佛堂自然會感受上天的慈悲而後學也從跪拜的禮節中學會放下自己的執著破除自己的我像。?Jeff: Wow, sounds interesting!?傑夫聽起來還滿有意思的?Gina: Jeff, if it’s okay for you, come to the temple with Sandy and Mike to learn the ritual of Tao society. Then you’ll make progress gradually.?吉娜傑夫有機會要多和姍蒂及麥克到佛堂一起複習道場的禮儀這樣會進步更多喔?Jeff, Sandy & Mike: Sure, we’ll do that. We are waiting for you to tell us more about Tao.?傑夫姍蒂和麥克沒問題。那要請您多開示讓我們多學習

