2009年12月23日 星期三




Lama Chopa 喇嘛曲巴

A Lamp for the Bodhi-Way (Bodhipathapradipa) 《菩提道燈論》

Lang Darma 朗達瑪

Lankavatara Sutra 《楞伽經》*

lay people 居士 *

Duobao Lecture Monastery 多寶講寺 (多寶佛 Many Jewels Buddha* )

left-home people 出家人 *

light ease 輕安 *

open light 開光 *

lineage / tradition 傳承 *

lion’s roar 獅子吼 *

lion’s throne 獅子座 *

living Buddha 活佛 *

loose speech 綺語 *

the Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas 《百法明門論 》


magnanimity   偉大精神 *

the Maha-prajna-paramita-sutra 《大般若經》*

the Maha-Parinirvana Sutra 《大涅槃經》*

mahoraga, great python spirit 摩?羅伽 (大蟒神) *

majestic and adorned 莊嚴 *

make a full prostration 大禮拜

make obeisance to 頂禮 *

make three-step-one-bow pilgrimage 三步一拜 *

mandala 壇城

manas consciousness 末那識 *

manifest the stillness 示寂 *


the Manjushri's Five-syllable Mantra 《文殊五字真言》

many sharira (很多)舍利 *

Marpa 瑪爾巴

Mati Panchen Lama 末底班禪大師

Maudgalyayana 目犍連 *

Medicine Master Buddha Who Dispels Calamities and Lengthens Life 消災延壽藥師佛 *

mendicant 乞士 *

Milarepa   米拉日巴

milk gruel 乳糜 *

mind consciousness 意識 *

monastic grounds 伽藍 *

monk robes 僧袍 *

morality 持戒 *

morning recitation 早課 *

most virtuous and awe-inspiring 大威德 *

mound of flesh 肉髻 *

Mount Grdhrakuta 耆闍崛山 *

Mount Kukkutapada 雞足山 *

Mount Sumeru 須彌山 *

Mountain Gate 山門 *

much learning 多聞 *

mudra arms 母陀羅臂 *

myriad virtues 萬德 *


Nalanda Monastery   那爛陀寺

Namas Monastery   南無寺

newly ordained 新戒 *

Nirvana robes 涅槃僧內衣

Nishyanda body 盧舍那身 *

no mark of self 無我相 *

non-production and non-extinction 不生不滅 *

no outflows / non-outflows 無漏 *

no self 無我 *

noumena and phenomena 理、事 *


objects of touch 觸 *

ocean’s roar 海潮音 *

Of all the kinds of offerings

The gift of the Dharma is the highest  諸供養中,法供養最 *

One Enlightened to Conditions 緣覺 *

the One Hundred Dharmas 《百法》

ordination ceremony 授戒典禮 *

Ordination Hall 戒堂 *

the Ordination Platform 戒壇 *

the Ornament of Clear Realization 《現觀莊嚴論》

outrageous pride 過慢 *

overweening pride 增上慢 *


palanquin 輿 *

Papiyan 波旬 *

parajika offences 波羅夷罪 *

parinirvana 圓寂 *

paste incense 涂香 *

pat / rub on the crown 摩頂 *

patience 忍辱 *

patience with the non-production of dharmas 無生法忍 *

patriarch 祖師 *

the Perfect Penetration Hall 圓通殿

perfect penetration without obstruction 圓融無礙 *

perfectly fused 圓融 *

pestilence 瘴 *

Phabonkha   帕繃喀

Physician King and Superior Physician 藥王,藥上 *

platform 壇 *

poluted thinking / false thoughts 妄想 *

poorly enclosed place 邊地 *

pouch 囊 *

the Praise of Arisal of Conditions《緣起讚》

Prajna (literary, contemplative, true-appearance) 般若 (文字、觀照、實相)*

the Prajna Sutra 《般若經》*

the Prajna Sutra of the Humane King Who Protects His Country 《仁王護國般若經》*

pratimoksa 波羅提木叉 *

Pratyekabuddha 緣覺 *

Pravarana 自恣 *

precept platform 戒壇 *

precept sash 戒衣 *

precept substance 戒體 *

preceptee 戒子 *

perpetuate the Dharma 令法久住 *

purify the boundaries for a the Dharma session 灑凈 *

precepts and rules 戒律 *

precious king 寶王 *

(bestow) the Prediction of Buddhahood 菩提印記 *

primary meaning 第一義 *

primary truth 第一義諦 *

Production of Jewels Buddha 寶生佛 *

Proper Dharma Age 正法時代 *

Proper Dharma of Certification 證正法

Proper Dharma of Teaching 教正法

the Provisions for Concentration and the Way 《定道資糧》

public record 公案 *

pure youth and maiden 童男童女 *

purity of six sense organs 六根清凈 *


radiates a light 放光 *

rage and hate 嗔忿 *

real mark / real appearances 實相 *

receive alms / go on alms-round 乞食 *

receive complete ordination under so and so 在某某座下受具足戒 *

receive full ordination 受具足戒 *

recline 臥 *

rejoice exceedingly 大歡喜 (profuse joy) *

relentless hells 無間地獄 *

repent and reform 懺悔 *

retreat 閉關 *

return the hearing and listen to the self nature 反聞聞自性 *

rever and honor 恭敬尊重 *

Rinpoche 仁波切 (meaning “Jewel of Human Beings, or Great Jewel”)

ritual procedure 儀軌

rub on / pat one’s crown 摩頂 *


saffron water 黃丹水

Saha World 娑婆世界 *

Samaya precept 三昧耶戒

Samghati 僧伽黎 *

Many-pieced robe 雜碎衣 *

host’s robe 祖衣 *

great robe 大衣 *

Kashaya 袈裟 *

mute-colored cloth 壞色衣 *

clothing for getting out of dust 離塵服 *

Sangha-arama 伽藍 *

the Sangha and the laity 僧俗 *

Sangha’s dwellings 僧坊 *

Santideva Bodhisattva 寂天菩薩

the Sea-vast Avatamsaka Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 蓮池海會佛菩薩 *

schisms 不和合

Secret School 密宗 *

sectarianism 宗派 *

seize upon conditions 攀緣 *

self-mastery 自在 *

senior-seated one 上座 *

sense objects 塵 *

sentient beings 有情 *

serve in the kitchen 行堂

seven Bodhi shares 七菩提分 *

sever afflictions 斷煩惱 *


share-section birth and death 分段生死 *

(many) sharira 舍利 *

sharira-stupa 舍利塔 *

Shila 屍羅 *

Shurangama Samadhi   楞嚴定 *

simplicity and frugality 簡樸 *

single-mindedness 一心 *

Six Paramitas / Six Perfections 六度 *

Six Spiritual Penetrations 六神通 *

Skandha-demon 陰魔 *

snow saussurea 雪蓮

Snowy Mountains 雪山

Solitary Enlightened One 獨覺 *

Sound-Hearer 聲聞 *

South Potalaka Monastery 南普陀寺

speak the Dharma 說法 *

spontaneous 自然 *

Sramanera Precepts 沙彌戒

stern and pure in the Vinaya 嚴凈毗尼 *

still quiescence 寂滅 *

stinking skin-bag 臭皮囊 *

stoppings and contemplations 止觀 (shamatha and vipashyana) *

sublime abode 精舍 *

summer retreat 結夏安居

In Buddhism, there is a rule that those who have left the home-life must pass the summer in retreat. This rule came about because for 90 days, from the 15th of the fourth lunar month to the 15th of the seventh lunar month, the members of the Sangha lived in one place and didn’t go anywhere.

a suona horn 嗩吶

Superior Seated One 上座 *

supra-mundane-mind, renunciation 出離心

the Sutra of Contemplating Measureless Life Buddha 《觀無量壽經》*

the Sutra in Forty-two Sections 《四十二章經》*

the Sutra of Manjushri’s Questions on Prajna 《文殊問般若經》*

the Sutra of Medicine Buddha 《藥師經》*

the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva 《地藏菩薩本願經》*

the Sutra of the Tathagata’s Lion’s Roar 《如來獅子吼經》*

Sutra Division 經部


take refuge with 皈依 *

tala tree 多羅樹 *

take across sentient beings universally 普度眾生


take across to   *

take complete precepts 受具足戒 *

tally with   契合 *

teaching host 教主 *

Ten Doors of Discrimination of Worthy Leader School 賢首宗十門分別 *

32 Marks/Features and 80 Subtle/Subsidiary Characteristics of a Buddha *  32相80種好

thoughts of revulsion 厭離心 *

Three Evil Destinies 三惡趣 *

Three Evil Paths 三惡道 *

Three great asamkhyeyas of eons   三大阿僧祗劫 *

three kinds of intoxication 三毒 *

scroll 卷 *

Three Masters and Seven Certifiers 三師七證 *

Precept Transmitter 得戒和尚 *

Karmadana 羯摩和尚 *

Teaching Transmitter 教授和尚 *

three precept platforms for receiving the complete precepts 三壇大戒 *

Three Qualities 三性 good, bad, indeterminate 善、惡、無記 *

Three Realms 三界 *

three spiritual and seven physical souls 三魂七魄 *

the Three Sutras on the Buddha’s Bequeathed Teachings 《遺教三經》

3,000 awesome deportments and 80,000 subtle aspects 三千威儀,八萬細行 *

Thus Come One / Tathagata 如來 *

One Worthy of Offerings 應供 *

One of Proper and Pervasive Knowledge / One of Proper and Universal Knowledge 正遍知 *

One Perfect in Clarity and Practice 明行足 *

Well Gone One 善逝 *

Unsurpassed Knight Who Understands the World 世間解無上士 (One Who Understands the World 世間解; Unsurpassed One無上士) *

Great Regulator / Taming and Subduing Hero 調禦丈夫 *

Teacher of Gods and Humans / People 天人師 *

Buddha 佛 *

World Honored One 世尊 *

Tian Tai School (Heavenly Vista) Five Mysterious Meanings 天臺五重玄義 *

tin staff 錫杖

tip of a single fine hair 一毛孔 *

Torma   朵馬

transform 度 *

Trayastrimsha 忉利天 *

Treasury of Emptiness 虛空藏 *

Tripitaka   三藏 *

Triple Jewel 三寶 *

true contemplation 如實觀照 *

true suchness 真如 *

Tsampa powder 妥巴粉

Tsong-kha-pa   宗喀巴

tula-cotton hand   兜羅棉手 *

turbidity of the eon, views, living beings, afflictions, life span 劫濁,見濁,眾生濁,煩惱濁,命濁 *

turn on the wheel of rebirth 輪迴*

Tushita Heaven 兜率天 *

Twelve Divisions 十二部 *

Prose 長行部 *

Reiterative Verses 重頌部 *

Bestowal of Predictions 授記部 *

Causes and Conditions   因緣部 *

Analogies 譬喻部 *

Past Events 本事部 *

Present Lives 本生部 *

Broadening Passages 方廣部 *

Previously Non-existent the Dharma   未曾有部 *

Unrequested the Dharma 自說部 *

Interpolations 孤起部 *

Discussions   議論部 *

the Twenty Verses on Consciousness-only 《唯識二十論》 (《二十唯識》)


Ullambana 盂蘭盆 *

ultimate 究竟 *

ultimate teaching 了義 *

Unintermittent Hells 無間地獄 *

Gathered Offering (tsog) 會供

Universal Worthy 普賢 *

Unobstructed Eloquence of Delight in Speech 樂說無礙辯才 *

uphold reverently 奉持 *


vaidurya 琉璃 *

Vairochana   毗盧遮那 *

Vairocana 盧舍那 *

Vajra Acharya   金剛阿闍黎

Vajra the Dharma King 金剛法王

vajra pestle   金剛杵 *

Vajra Powerful Lord 金剛力士

Vajra Secret -Traces Spirits 金剛密跡 *

the Vajra Sutra 《金剛經》*

vast vows 弘誓 *

vegetarian feast 營齋 *

vegetarian host   齋主 *

verse 偈子 *

Venerable Atisha 阿底峽尊者

view delusion 見惑 *

Vipashyin   毗舍浮 *

the Vimilakirti Sutra   《維摩詰經》*

the Everyday Vinaya 《毗尼日用》*


water purification   灑凈

Way-place 道場 *

wearisome defilements 塵勞 *

Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss   西方極樂凈土 *

whisk 拂塵 *

white robed people 白衣 *

the White Tara 白度母

wisdom of all kinds 一切種智 *

Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom 大圓鏡智 *

Fair and Impartial Wisdom of the Nature 平等性智 *

Wonderful Contemplating and Investigating Wisdom 妙觀察智 *

Wisdom that Accomplishes what must be done 成所作智 *

wish-fulfilling pearl 如意珠 *

wombs, eggs, moisture, transformation 胎卵濕化 *(四化)

work outdoor 出坡

worlds of the trichiliocosm 三千大千世界 *

world-transcending wisdom   出世智 *


Yamantaka (meaning “Great Awesome Virtues”) 13 Honored Ones/ 13 Deity Yamantaka 大威德十三尊

Yellow Hat Sect 黃帽派

Yoga Tantra 瑜伽部

yojana 由旬 *


A person attainted enlightenment, first referring to sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. Later, many other names appeared for worship along with the development of Buddhist theory. In Buddhist statues, Buddha is usually in the image of a figure with a high-raised bun on the top of the head, a luminous tuft of hair between the eyebrows, a robe-like dress on the body without ornaments and a nimbus behind the back. These supposed to be the characteristics of sakuamuni.

佛:是梵語“佛陀”的略稱,意思是“覺者 ”。最初“佛”專指佛教創始人釋迦牟尼,后來隨著佛教理論的發展,出現了許多各有名稱,供人信奉的佛。佛教雕塑中,佛像一般衣飾簡樸,頭上有高出的肉髻,眉間有圓形的白毫像,身后還有背光,這些都是根據佛教傳說釋迦佛有與常人不同的特點而製作的。

