一. 青陽期 – 道在君相
人類最早出現一位聖人 - 伏羲氏(約七千年前), 首先降世在中國, 他仰頭看天又俯頭看地, 觀察地理, 研究天地運行的原理, 自然的法則而成道, 他劃出了先天八卦, 以顯示地球天地之蘊奧與人類的根源, 這是道降人世的開始.
(1) The Era of the Green Sun – the Lineage of Dao Passed on by Kings and Dukes.
The first Saint of humankind was Fu-xi Shi. He was born in China about 7,000 years ago. He observed the astrological signs and physical phenomena; by studying natural laws and orders, he attained Dao. He used the Xian-tien (the Void, it is present before heaven and earth exists) order of the trigrams to disclose the essence of heaven and earth, and the Origin of humankind. This was the beginning of the descending of Dao.
繼有神農氏種百穀、嘗百草. 接著有中國第一位皇帝軒轅氏建立的宮室, 製衣裳, 造器皿、作、契、禮明樂備、男女有別、尊卑有等、長幼有序, 建立了制度文章, 道的秩序 (人類生活的法則), 在中國真正建立起來. 嗣後傳少昊, 顓頊, 帝譽, 直到堯、舜兩帝, 漸入精緻, 稟承 上帝的意旨治國, 民歡善政, 並開始傳授回歸 上帝懷抱的心法.
Then, there was Shen-nong Shi who tasted all plants and herbs to identify medicine and edible plants. The third Patriarch was the Yellow Emperor Xuan-yuan Shi, the first Emperor of China. Under his reign, houses were constructed, clothes fabricated, tools and containers made, Chinese characters invented, propriety defined, and musical notes standardized. Furthermore, orders of the society, i.e., the very backbone of ethics and morality, were established. Rules, duties, and proprieties between rulers and subjects, parents and children, men and women, among siblings, etc., were all devised. Only then was the true social order for humankind established in China. After the Yellow Emperor, Shao-hao, Zuan-xu, Emperor Ku, Emperor Yao, and Emperor Sun, five Saints, continued the Heritage of Dao respectively. Emperor Yao and Emperor Sun followed God’s will in governing China and created a harmonious society that satisfied all the people. At that time, Dao permeated throughout the society. Emperor Yao and Emperor Sun started to pass the essence of Dao from one Patriarch to another.
後禹王、湯王、文王、武王、周公等聖人, 把這一脈的心法相傳下來. 從伏羲氏到周公聖人, 期間歷時共有一千八百八十六年, 這個時期的變化, 我們稱它為青陽時期, 也是 上帝意旨, 道在有能力承擔的英明君主身上沿繫這無形的路線 ----- 道脈, 治理這個世界.
Then King Yu, King Tang, King Wen, King Wu, and Duke Zhou, five Saints, continued the Heritage successively, which took about 1,886 years. From Fu-xi Shi until Duke Zhou was the Era of the Green Sun. It was the period in which God descended Dao - the unseen thread to God’s kingdom - onto admirable kings or dukes who governed the world with Dao according to God’s will. There were eighteen hundred and eighty six years from the Yellow Emperor to Duke Zhou.