未有人類以前,人的形成, 在於道. 有了人類以後, 人生人, 繁衍人類的責任, 落在人類身上. 人類生命是靈性與肉體的結合, 靈來自道, 這象徵著上帝要靈到地球來治世. 因此人人都有使命, 靈受制於後天環境, 也象徵著靈必須歷煉方能脫出後天.
II. The Lineage of Dao.
Before the existence of humankind, the power of creating humankind was in Dao. After humankind had appeared, it had the duty of human procreation. A human life is formed by combining the physical body with the soul. Souls come from Dao, which means that it is God’s will for souls to have dominion on Earth. Thus, we all have missions. Souls are confined in the Hou-tien (which describes the space where all lives live after heaven and earth were created), which means that souls must be refined in order to escape from the Hou-tien.
當地球天地開始, 人類初誕生時, 性本善良, 迨至巳午會以來, 人類智識漸開, 責任權炳在人類身上. 人類由於肉體長期習慣, 心靈受左右, 而失去原來的特性, 趨向物質化、肉體化的感官意識, 以為肉體就是真正的我, 一切有形可見的才是是實質存在的, 因此感官的情慾, 不知不覺損害了人與人, 人與萬物的和諧關係. 殺生養身的殘暴而造成災難, 因此而有六道輪迴.
At the beginning of heaven and earth when humankind had just descended into this world, souls were pure and perfect. Only since the Si and the Wu Phases, had human intellect started to sprout, and humankind had begun to act as the dominant being. But the soul and the body were together for such a long time that the soul took on the habits of the body. The affinity to the material world caused souls to be dominated by emotions and desires, and their original attributes were lost. Humankind believed that the body was the self and believed in materialism. Unknowingly the balance and harmony among humankind, animals, plants, and all things were disrupted. Humankind started to kill animals for food, thence caused catastrophes and brought about the six paths of reincarnation.
上帝為了讓 祂迷途的子女能夠知途而返, 特將 祂的道、祂的真光、活水, 賜予能夠擔當承載的聖人, 深植散佈在人事間, 使人類知道祂的存在, 祂的愛, 祂的道, 進而追求道, 使人類和上帝之間有了無形的路線連綴, 並循此道而回到上帝的懷抱, 這是聖哲是天下的明燈, 維繫著人類與上帝的橋樑---我們稱之為道脈.
In order to let His lost children realize the mistakes and thus return to the right path, God descended Dao - the True Light and True Living Water – onto capable Saints to establish a link – the invisible thread – between humankind and God. These Saints spread words of God’s existence, love, and Dao, so that humankind would seek Dao, follow Dao, and return to God’s kingdom. They lighted up the world. They maintained the bridge between God and humankind. They are the Patriarchs of Dao. This bridge is called the Lineage of Dao.