2009年12月23日 星期三

Terminology 道場專有名詞一覽表

Terminology 道場專有名詞一覽表  






師尊Great Master

師母 Great Mistress

老前人Senior Grand Master (Senior Elder發一崇德用於稱呼陳大姑老前人

前人Senior Master






成道 attained Enlightenment or Buddhahood and returned to Heaven發一崇德

慈悲喜捨 Four Immeasurable Kinds of Heart: Mercy, Compassion, Joy, and Giving


基礎忠恕Ji Chu Zhong Shu Division

基礎天基Ji Chu Tian Ji Division

基礎天賜 Ji Chu Tian Si Division

發一崇德Fa Yi Chong De Division

發一天恩Fa Yi Tian En Division

寶光建德Bao Guang Jian De Division

寶光崇正Bao Guang Chong Zheng Division

寶光紹興Bao Guang Shao Xing Division

寶光玉山Bao Guang Yu Shan Division

寶光明本Bao Guang Ming Ben Division

興毅南興Xing Yi Nan Xing Division

浩然育德 Hao Ran Yu De Division

浩然組Hao Ran Division

天祥組Tian Xiang Division

明光組Ming Guang Division

安東組 An Dong Division

常州組Chang Zhou Division

文化組Wen Hua Division

天真總壇Tian Zhen Division

正義組 Zheng Yi Division

法聖組Fa Sheng Division


三期the Three Stages; the Three Realms 

青陽期the Green Stage

紅陽期the Red Stage

白陽期the White Stage

參辭駕禮the ritual of obeisance performed at arrival and departure 

獻香禮the ceremony for daily worship

獻供禮the ceremony for presenting offerings 

請壇禮the ceremony for requesting worship

辦道禮the ceremony for PROPAGATING DAO worship

初一十五獻香禮semi-monthly ceremony(full moon ceremony)

引保愿文vows of the introducer and the guarantor

末後一著The Final Move of Transmitting the Great Tao 

明明上帝Ming Ming Shang Di

天地君親師Heaven, Earth, Sovereign, Parents, and Teachers

諸天神聖All Saints and Deities in Heaven

彌勒祖師Buddha Maitreya 

南海古佛Buddha Nan-hai

五教聖人The Saints of the Five Great Religions

活佛師尊Buddha Ji-gong

月慧菩薩Bodhisattva Yue-hui

各位法律主All Discipline Commanders

長生大帝The Saint of Longevity

灶君The Kitchen God

鎮殿元帥The Guardian Marshal

鎮殿將軍The Guardian General

教化菩薩Bodhisattva of Enlightenment

各位大仙All Great Immortals

道長The Arch-master

前賢大眾All Senior Fellows

自己祖先My Ancestors

愿懺文the prayers of repentance

金公祖師Great Patriarch Jin-gong

天然古佛Buddha Tian-ran

中華聖母Holy Mother of China

院長大人The Chief Examiner

潘公道長The Arch-master  Pan

陳老前人 Senior Grand Master Chen

徐老前人 Senior Grand Master Hsu

韓老前人 Senior Grand Master Han

顯化大帝 The Saint of Hsien Hua

圓覺大帝 The Saint of Yuan Chueh

邱前人 Senior Master Chiu

施前人 Senior Master Shih

各位前賢All Senior Fellows

成道前人The Senior Masters achieved Tao (禮節檔案中是單數但後學認為應該是複數)

成道點傳師 The Masters achieved Tao (禮節檔案中是單數但後學認為應該是複數)






