2010年1月16日 星期六

一個黑點 A black point.

 一個黑點 A black point.


 A teacher has entered the classroom, a black point of point on white board.

他問班上的學生說:"大家看到什麼?"  大家都異口同聲說:"一個黑點。"

He asks the students in the class say that " What does everybody see? "

Everybody says unanimously: " A black point. "


The teacher put on a show of surprise say: " Only a black point? –

Has not everybody seen such a big white board? "

你看到的是什麼? What do you see?

每個人身上都有一些缺點,但是你看到的是哪些呢?是否只看到別人身上的"黑點" 卻忽略了他擁有的那一大片潔白(優點)呢? 
Everybody has some shortcomings on one's body, but which do you see?

Only see others people " The black point "( shortcomings)

But it is large stretch of pure white to neglect that he has (advantages)

In fact everybody must have a lot of advantages, change an angle to see!

You will have more new discoveries (曾有田點傳師翻繹)




