神像和木魚 Statues and the wooden fish
One sculptor walk in the forest and found an upper wood. After the master of the wood to take home, decided to wood carved into a statue. ??
He spent a lot of time, careful craftsmanship, the exhaustion of hard work, and finally carved out their own satisfaction of a statue of the hearts After the completion of a master, look at the side of the rest of the timber, picked up one of the large one, simple and easily will make it into a wooden fish.??
被安置在廟裡的神像,日日受到信徒的頂禮膜拜,享受著香火和供奉,身份地位尊榮備至。??而那個木魚則被放到神桌前,隨著和尚早課晚課的頌經聲,不斷地被敲打著... Were placed in the temple of the gods every day by the faithful pay homage to, enjoying the incense, and worship, status honor in every possible way. The wooden fish that were put God at a table, with the evening classes, and too early lesson recitation sound, continually pounding. . . .
One night, . The wooden fish asked statue said: " We are from the same wood, you can enjoy enshrine and worship, but I am beaten every day, really unfair, why is our destiny difference so great?" ? ??
神像說:「 當初你沒有遭受刀斧加身,而我所受到雕琢折磨之苦,實非你所能想像的。因此,今天你我所受的待遇,當然會有不同的等級了。」 」
The Statue, said: " Did you add the body did not suffer machetes, knives, and I have been carving the pain of torture, is actually what you can imagine. Therefore, today, the treatment you and I, of course, have different levels of. ""? ??
?" Jade is not dressing, not a device, "all of today plus tempering on us, are all for improving the achievement in the future, and special program one. Would like to mould into the statue or wooden fish, the power to make decision totally lies in oneself.(曾有田)