2010年7月13日 星期二

排汗和排尿的差別(網路摘錄) 大家快來運動


【您知道為什麼馬拉松選手不得癌症嗎? ***
德國體育醫學龍頭艾倫斯特〈譯音〉博士發現,所有運動選手當中,唯獨馬拉松選 手沒有罹患癌症的病例。因此艾倫斯特博士為了找出不得癌症的原因,不斷的研究, 結果發現了一項驚人的事實。艾倫斯特博士採集了每天跑步 30 公里以上的馬拉松 選手的汗水,分析其汗水的成份,結果發現汗水中含有鎘、鉛、銅、鎳等之重金屬 物質。艾倫斯特博士下的結論是「每天跑30公里以上的馬拉松選手,自體內深處排出大 量汗水的同時,亦將體內累積的致癌成份〝重金屬〞排出體外,徹底去除癌症的根 源,因此馬拉松選手是不會得癌症。」 根據以上的研究結論,艾倫斯特博士發表了 「以排汗的方式,徹底去除體內的累積物,可預防癌症」的研究報告,艾倫斯特博 士強調的「想要健康長壽,就要一天一次大量排汗。」這句話是絕對值得信賴的。

能量之國韓國的排汗市場一年約新台幣 6000 ,您知道為什麼一年有幾億人次的 韓國國民到黃土能量房去排汗嗎? 在沒有任何廣告宣傳的情況下,短短 15 年內形 成了如此龐大的市場全靠體驗後的口碑相傳。因為體驗過後發現 能量排汗無論對慢 性病患的病症、促進血液循環或皮膚美容,以及維持苗條的健康身材上皆具有驚人 的功效。

對身體而言,為何出汗特別重要呢?排泄體內不需要物質的基本功能,就是排便、 排尿與出汗。其中, 汗具有排泄體內疲勞物質或對人體有害的重金屬、毒素的重要 作用。雖然尿也會排出重金屬,但是排出功能卻遠不及汗。亦即藉由出汗,能夠排 出大量的重金屬。汗也具有調節體溫的重要作用。 全身健康的出汗,就能夠強化現代最欠缺的體溫調節功能與自律神經。汗從體表氣 化,令人得到爽快感,對精神也有很大的幫助。 藉著氣化熱消耗熱量,能夠提升代謝力,減少體脂肪,有助於消除肥胖。對身體而 言具有重要作用的汗,不會對身體造成負擔,全身出汗,就能夠強化自律神經,提 升代謝力,排出老舊廢物與毒素,對於美容與健康都有幫助。

汗與尿中的重金屬元素量〈 100 克中〉
鉛〈μg 〉汗 84 vs 尿 4.9
鎘〈μg 〉汗 6.5 vs 尿 0.65
鈷〈μg 〉汗 1.2 vs 尿 0.6
鎳〈μg 〉汗 32 vs 尿 3.1
銅〈 mg 〉汗 0.11 vs 尿 0.01
〈註〉假設 1 天出汗量為 2 公升

39The difference between perspiration and urination

Let's Exercise

【Do you know why marathon runners do not have cancer? ***

A sports medicine doctor in Germany found among all athletes only marathon runners do not a single cancer case. In order to find out the reasons, the doctor conducted a further research with a surprising conclusion. He collected the sweat of runners who ran more than 30 km a day and found in the composition cadmium, lead, copper, nickel and other heavy metal elements. He was under the conclusion that by running more than 30 kilometers a day, the runner could discharge toxic wastes from the depths of his body. Getting rid of the "heavy metals" from the body, means completely removing of the root of cancer source.

According to the above study published the doctor, the complete removal of the accumulated toxic wastes in the body through perspiration can prevent cancer. In his report, he underlined: "If you want longevity, it is necessary to perspire a lot on a daily bases." His statement is absolutely reliable.

【How a huge is the market in perspiration? 】 The perspiration energy market in South Korea is about NT 600 billion a year. Do you know why there are hundreds of millions of South Koreans spend a lot of energy trying to perspire? In just 15 years, it has become such a huge market without the help of advertisement but words passing around from those who experienced that perspiration has good effects on chronic diseases. It is specifically good for blood circulation, skin care, and amazingly on keeping a slim and healthy body.

【Perspire can get rid of harmful substances from the body】 Why is sweating so important to the body? The basic functions of excretion are defecation, urination and perspiration And perspiration plays the most important role in removing harmful substances and toxins. Although urination also discharge heavy metals, the emission amount in urine is far less than sweat. Besides, perspiration also has an important role in regulating body temperature. While perspiring, one can burn more calories to increase metabolic capacity and to reduce body fat. Effective discharging of waste and toxins helps in keeping the body beautiful and healthy.

Heavy metal contents in sweat and urine (per 100 gm)

Lead 〈μg 〉sweat 84 vs urine 4.9

Cadmium.〈μg 〉sweat 6.5 vs urine 0.65

Cobalt 〈μg 〉sweat 1.2 vs urine 0.6

Nickel 〈μg 〉sweat 32 vs urine 3.1

Copper 〈 mg 〉sweat 0.11 vs urine 0.01

 [Notes:] assume 2 liters of sweating capacity per day              *** There are reports indicated that marathon runners are prone to skin cancer due to long time exposure to the sun.


