2010年9月7日 星期二

Gout Cure Solution 青木瓜泡茶 痛風不見了

Gout Cure Solution 青木瓜泡茶 痛風不見了?

Just try... for those having Gout problems.??----------青木瓜泡茶 痛風不見了?


This is a really effective, just mix green papaya cubes to the ordinary?green tea, my cousin brother tried and found it very effective. I have also?shared with a friend with gout to try this (his "toe joints" started to?deform), after a week of drinking this formula there is significant?improvement, after two weeks the toe joints heal and revert to normal state.?It is almost three years now, the joint pain is gone, but he maintain the?intake between 1-3 times monthly to avoid relapse.??


Other friends suffering from years of gout problem have also recovered. It?is good for all, even those without gout.??

好方法喔~~趕快告訴需要的人吧!?Good formula! Do share with the people in need

中國藥學院--- 賴教授改良新方式:?An improved sequence by Professor Lai from the China School of Pharmacy :??


Cut green papaya into small cubes, place into the water, bring to boil, then add green tea leaves, similar to the tea-making process. Clinical tests show that this brings better effects for treatment of gout, subject to frequent drinking of this formula.??

青木瓜泡茶??台南縣仁德鄉後壁村長劉結慶患胃痛多年,把青木瓜當做茶壺泡茶喝,一個 月後竟治癒宿疾,家人尿酸過多喝木瓜泡茶也不藥而癒,劉村長因而種了許多木瓜,送給有病的親友鄉親。??

Mr Liu Qing, Chief of the Rende Town in Tainan , was suffering for years from severe stomach pain around the posterior wall of stomach. He used green papaya as a tea pot to prepare the family tea daily, after a month his chronic disease condition was much improved. His family members with high uric acid were also healed by the same papaya tea. For this Mr Liu planted a lot of papaya to share with relatives and friends with similar sickness.?*?**

劉村長說,青木瓜最好選擇果實肥短,容量比較大,將木瓜頂部切開,挖出木瓜內的種籽,再開一個小缺口方便倒茶水,一邊開個小洞透氣,放入茶葉、倒進沸水 後蓋回木瓜頂部,並以牙籤固定,泡茶過程和一般茶葉相同。*?*

?According to Mr Liu, in selection of the Green Papaya as tea pot, pick those whose shape are fat and short, with larger capacity. Cut off the top part of the papaya, clear away the seeds, open a small hole at the upper side wall to facilitate pouring of tea. Create a small ventilation hole at top cover, put in the tea leaves, pour in boiling water, place the top cover back to papaya, you may use the toothpicks to secure the top cover. Similar to normal process of preparing tea.*?*?**

劉村長表示,茶葉使用一般品質的**烏龍茶**?即可,味道不錯,他當做茶水喝了一個月,困擾多年無法治癒的胃痛居然不 藥而癒,自己也感到驚訝,他把木瓜茶葉拿給在醫學中心任職的友人檢驗,證實**木瓜酵素** 有益健康,現在只要果園木瓜有適合的果 實,就拿來與親友分享。*?*

?Liu like to use Oolong tea as the taste is good. He was pleasantly surprised that the stomach pains he suffered for many years was healed after a month of drinking tea from the green papaya pot, without taking any other medication. He passed some green papaya leaves to a friend who worked at a Medical Center to test and analyse the content. The tests confirmed that healthy the enzyme present in papaya is beneficial to human health. Now as papaya in Mr Liu's orchard is yeilding suitable size fruit, he would share the fruits with family and friends.*?*?**?

種植木瓜多年的農民徐福昌說,本地民眾所指的青木瓜,就是還未成熟、果 皮仍呈青綠色的木瓜,一般木瓜要四個月左右才會成熟,但成熟後就沒有療效,青木瓜大約在三個月大左右採收,這時果實較,果實內的「木瓜奶」含有木瓜酵素、 木瓜等有**B**健康成份,不但可泡茶喝,還可以切塊連 同排骨熬,或切細絲加蒜頭炒,都非常可口,對人體也沒有不良影響。** *?*?

Xu Fuchang, an experienced papaya farmers, the green papaya refers to papaya that is not ripe, where the skin is still green in colour. Generally, the papaya takes about four months to fully mature and ripe, but their healing effects would be lost after it is fully ripe. Green Papaya should be harvested when the papaya is approximately three months old, when the fruit is still firm, and the "papaya milk" contains high papaya enzyme and other healthy ingredients. Not only the green papaya can be used in tea drinking, you may also cut them into cubes, and boil with the ribs, or even slicing the green papaya into fine long pieces and fried with garlic, very tasty, and no adverse effects on the human body.     James Tseng

3 則留言:

  1. 感恩前賢分享這麼健康的資訊

  2. 我來訪囉!

  3. 哈哈!我家有種木瓜.我也有[痛風].
