2013年3月29日 星期五



有一個男人, 為了參加第二天的小學同學會,特地上街, 買一條新長褲。

A man bought a new pair of trousers for his primary school mates’ reuniondinner. 

When he tried out at home, he found that the trousers were too longby 10cm .
He asked his mother to help him shorten the pants. His mother said she couldnot do it as she was not feeling well and would like to rest early.     

於是, 改請求太太替他改。太太說,還有許多家事要做,今晚沒有時間改。 

So the man approached his wife to shorten his pants. His wife said she wasvery tired and had a lot of work to do that night, so she could not help himto shorten the pants that night. 

於是, 改請求女兒替他改。女兒說,今晚跟男朋友約好去跳舞,沒有時間改。

Then the man asked his daughter. His daughter apologized for not able to do it that night because she had agreed to go dancing with her boyfriend 


"Ah well!" The man thought and decided he could wear his old trousers to there union.

當天晚上,他媽媽心想:「兒子平時對我很孝順,他開口要求總不好拒絕他。」於是,起來替兒子改長褲,剪短了十公分。   Later that night, his mother thought to herself, "My son has been very nice to me.     I ' ll just help him to shorten his pants before going to rest."So she shortened the pants by 10cm .  

他太太稍晚做完家事, 心想:「老公平時很有耐心,今天他是不會縫針線才開口要求,總不好拒絕他.」於是替先生改長褲,剪短了十公分。Then his wife finished her work and thought," My husband knows I am always very busy and seldom asked me to help him. I would oblige him today." So she shortened the man ' s pants by another 10cm . 

他女兒晚上回來: 「爸爸不阻止我去跳舞,實在是開明的老爸,今天實在應該替他修改長褲。」於是替爸爸改長褲,剪短了十公分。His daughter came home from dancing, and thought, "Papa loves me very much and when I declined to shorten his pants, he was not angry at all! I would help him to shorten his pants." So she shortened her daddy ' s pants yet another 10cm .

第二天早上,三個女人分別告訴男主人此事。他一試長褲,已經變成吊腳褲了。On the next day, the three ladies told the man that his pants were shortened. He tried them on and found that his pants had become shorter by 30cm !

他的反應「是...............」   哈哈一笑,說:「我一定要穿去給同學看,告訴他們,我的媽媽、太太、和女兒對我多好。」His reaction: He laughed heartily, and said, "I must wear this pair of pants to show my schoolmates that my mum, my wife and my daughter are such loving people.”

結果,老同學們一致稱讚他家庭經營成功。他的媽媽、太太、和女兒也都很高興。At the dinner, his old classmates were very envious of his loving family.His mother, wife and daughter were very happy to learn about his classmates' reaction. 

如果您是故事中的男人或女人,當下您會做何反應?「哈哈一笑」抑或「破口大罵」?What would you do if it happened to you? Have a good laugh, or start swearing? 

人,面對外人時,總是可以表現得雍容大肚、心平氣和,但面對自己最親近的家人,卻往往一點小事,就足以皺起眉頭,甚至出言相傷。Many of us have "High EQ" when dealing with people outside the family, "LowEQ" when dealing with our own family members!  This is not an exaggerationat all.

如果形容人類是一種「出門高E.Q,回家低E.Q」的動物,我想一點兒也不誇張,多拿出一點耐心與幽默感給家人吧!否則您自己也不會快樂,不是嗎? 請傳閱,或許今天正有人需要它!也許, 我只是你生命中的過客...並未留下任何痕跡..但我希望的是...當你回想起過去的時候..在你回憶中的那個我,是無可取代的..緣份,是找到包容你的人

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