梨形身材能增加你 10 年壽命 |
A pear-shape figure can add 10 years to your life. 梨形身材能增加你10年壽命
At last, here’s something for women with bigger bottoms to smile about.Research shows they live longer. 終於,有了一件讓擁有較大臀部女性可以微笑以對的事。研究顯示,她們活得比較久。
A study has found that pear-shaped women, typified by the small waists and shapely bottom of the likes of Kate Winslet and Christina Hendricks, have a longer life expectancy than the apple shapes who store fat around their middle. 一份研究發現,以凱特.溫斯蕾和克莉絲汀娜.漢卓克斯的細腰、勻稱美臀為代表的梨形身材女性,她們的壽命比脂肪囤積在腰部的蘋果形身材的人還長。
What is more, the figures are far from trivial. A 30-year-old woman who is a perfect pear is expected to live up to nine-and-a-half years longer than one whose waistline wobbles. 而且,身材絕非微不足道。擁有完美梨形身材的30歲婦女,預期可活得比腰部肥大者多達9年半。
The projections for men are even more stark, with a 30-year-old with a huge beer belly forecast to die almost 17 years before a chap with a washboard stomach, the European Congress on Obesity in Liverpool heard. 這份發表於利物浦「歐洲肥胖會議」的報告指出,身材影響男性壽命的預測值差別更大,有大啤酒肚的30歲男性比擁有結實腹肌的老兄早死將近17年。
Margaret Ashwell, who carried out the analysis, said the real killer is not just fat but the flab found around the middle. 進行這項分析的瑪格麗特.艾許威爾說,真正的殺手不只是脂肪,還有囤積在腰部的鬆垮肥肉。
Doctors generally use body mass index, or BMI, a mathematical formula based on a person’s weight and height to work out whether they are in good shape. 醫生普遍以「身體質量指數」衡量人們體態是否良好。
Dr Ashwell advocates looking at waist measurement in comparison to height. As a rule of thumb, she says, we should aim to keep our waist circumference measurement to under half that of our height – or have a waist to height ratio of 0.5 or less. 艾許威爾博士提倡衡量腰圍與身高比。她說,基本原則就是,我們應該努力維持腰圍在身高的一半以下,或腰圍與身高比不高於0.5。