In general the way to get crucial vitamins and minerals is through healthy foods, so for a completely well-nourished person, supplements may be a waste of money. But for people over age 50, even the best diet may not provide enough of some important nutrients.
Use this information to explore details about the Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements that are most important and specially as you grow older for people over 50.
Supplements may cause side effects. If you have certain diseases, such as cancer or diabetes, your body may have special nutritional needs. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the vitamins and supplements you take.
Vitamins1.1 Vitamin A 1.2 Vitamin B1 (thiamin)1.3 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
[3] Supplements3.1 Omega-3 fatty acids
It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value.. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throatdiseases. |
إشرب الماء على معدة خالية
أصبح من المعتاد اليوم في اليابان شرب الماء مباشرة بعد الاستيقاظ صباحا. وفوق ذلك فقد أثبتت الاختبارات العلمية قيمتها. وننشر أدناه وصفة استخدام الماء لقرائنا الأعزاء. وقد اكتشفت جمعية طبية يابانية نجاح العلاج بالماء لأمراض مزمنة وخطيرة وكذلك للأمراض المتوسطة كعلاج ناجح 100% للأمراض التالية:
الصداع ، آلام الجسم ، أمراض القلب ، التهاب المفاصل ، ضربات القلب السريعة ، الصرع ، السمنة أو البدانة المفرطة ، التهاب القصبات ، الربو ، السل ، التهاب السحايا (السحائي) ، أمراض الكلية والجهاز البولي ، التقيؤ ، التهاب المعدة ، الاسهال ، الخوازيق (البواسير) ، مرض السكري ، الإمساك ، جميع أمراض العيون ، الرحم ، السرطان ، الإضطرابات الحيضية ، أمراض الأذن والأنف والحنجرة..
1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water 2.. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute 3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal. 4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours 5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day. 6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life. |
أسلوب المعالجة:
1. فور استيقاظك في الصباح وقبل تفريش أسنانك ، إشرب 4 أقداح من الماء (سعة 160 مللتر)
2. فرش أسنانك ونظف فمك ولكن لا تأكل أو تشرب أي شيء قبل مرور 45 دقيقة.
3. بعد مرور ال_45 دقيقة بإمكانك أن تأكل وتشرب كالمعتاد.
4. بعد 15 دقيقة من الإفطار ، وكذلك الغداء ، والعشاء ( لا تأكل أو تشرب أي شيء لمدة ساعتين).
5. بالنسبة لكبار السن أو المرضى والذين لا يستطيعون شرب 4 أقداح من الماء في البداية يمكنهم شرب القليل من الماء وتدريجيا يزيدون الكمية إلى أن تصل إلى 4 أقداح كل يوم.
6. إن أسلوب العلاج المبين أعلاه يشفي أمراض أولئك الذين يعانون منها بإذن الله أما الناس الاعتياديين فسيتمتعون بحياة صحية سليمة وجيدة إن شاء الله .
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
وتبين القائمة أدناه عدد الأيام اللازمة للعلاج المطلوب للتداوي أو السيطرة على الأمراض أو تقليل أثرها:
1. ضغط الدم العالي (30 يوما)
2. أمراض المعدة والحموضة (10 أيام)
3. مرض السكري (30 يوما)
4. الإمساك (10 أيام)
5. السرطان (180 يوما)
6. السل (90 يوما)
7. المرضى المصابين بالتهاب المفاصل يجب أن يتبعوا العلاج أعلاه فقط لمدة 3 أيام في الأسبوع الأول ، ثم يومياً من الأسبوع الثاني فصاعداً.
إن أسلوب العلاج أعلاه لا يشكل أي أضرار جانبية ، ومع ذلك ففي بداية العلاج قد تضطر إلى التبول عدة مرات .
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.
من الأفضل الاستمرار بهذا الأسلوب في العلاج وجعل هذا الإجراء واجب روتيني في حياتنا .
تعود على شرب الماء بانتظام وتمتع بصحة ولياقة ونشاط .
This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ..not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
هذا الأمر يبدو معقولا تماما .. إن الصينيين واليابانيين يشربون الشاي الساخن مع تناول وجباتهم الغذائية. ربما أصبح اليوم الوقت المناسب إتباع طريقة أسلوبهم وعادتهم في تناول الطعام !!! لن تخسروا شيئا ، فقط الكسب .
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. |
بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يحبون شرب الماء البارد ، ينطبق عليكم هذا الموضوع فانتبهوا لطفاً . قد يكون لذيذاً أن تتناول قدحاً من المشروب البارد بعد الوجبة الغذائية . وعلى أية حال ، فالماء البارد سوف يصلِّب المادة الزيتية التي استهلكتها تواً ، وسوف تبطئ عملية الهضم .
Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food.. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. |
وحالما يتفاعل هذا الراسب مع الحامض ، فسوف يتكسر وتمتصه الأمعاء أسرع من الطعام الصلب ... وسوف يبطِّن الأمعاء .
وبعد مدة وجيزة سوف يتحول إلى دهون وتقود إلى السرطان . من الأفضل شرب شوربة ساخنة أو ماء دافئ بعد وجبة الطعام
In general the way to get crucial vitamins and minerals is through healthy foods, so for a completely well-nourished person, supplements may be a waste of money. But for people over age 50, even the best diet may not provide enough of some important nutrients.
Use this information to explore details about the Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements that are most important and specially as you grow older for people over 50.
Supplements may cause side effects. If you have certain diseases, such as cancer or diabetes, your body may have special nutritional needs. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the vitamins and supplements you take.
Vitamins1.1 Vitamin A 1.2 Vitamin B1 (thiamin)1.3 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
1.4 Vitamin B3 (niacin)
1.5 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
1.6 Vitamin B12
1.7 Vitamin C
1.8 Vitamin D1.9 Vitamin E
1.10 Folic acid
1.11 Vitamin K
[2] MINERALS2.1 Calcium2.2 Chromium2.3 IODINE2.4 IRON
2.5 Magnesium2.6 Potassium
2.7 Selenium
2.8 Zinc
[3] Supplements3.1 Omega-3 fatty acids
3.2 Echinacea
3.3 Ginkgo
3.4 Ginseng
[1] Vitamins
Vitamin A
How much?
Men: 900 mcg
Women: 700 mcg
Why you need it:
Promotes good vision; helps keep immune system healthy.
Good to know:
In supplements, look for vitamin A as beta carotene, not as retinol or retinoic acid, which increases the risk of bone fracture.
Food sources:
Dairy products, fish, darkly colored fruits and vegetables.
Men: 900 mcg
Women: 700 mcg
Why you need it:
Promotes good vision; helps keep immune system healthy.
Good to know:
In supplements, look for vitamin A as beta carotene, not as retinol or retinoic acid, which increases the risk of bone fracture.
Food sources:
Dairy products, fish, darkly colored fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
How much?
Men: 1.2 mg
Women: 1.1 mg
Why you need it: Necessary for healthy nerve and brain cells; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know: Antacids and some diuretics may lower thiamin levels by decreasing absorption and increasing urinary secretion.
Food sources:
Liver, whole grains, enriched breads and cereals.
Men: 1.2 mg
Women: 1.1 mg
Why you need it: Necessary for healthy nerve and brain cells; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know: Antacids and some diuretics may lower thiamin levels by decreasing absorption and increasing urinary secretion.
Food sources:
Liver, whole grains, enriched breads and cereals.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
How much?
Men: 1.3 mg
Women: 1.1 mg
Why you need it:
Important for red blood cell production; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know:
Older men and women may be especially susceptible to riboflavin deficiency, which can cause cracking or sores at the corners of the mouth, skin irritation or weakness.
Food sources:
milk, eggs, fortified bread products and cereals.
Men: 1.3 mg
Women: 1.1 mg
Why you need it:
Important for red blood cell production; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know:
Older men and women may be especially susceptible to riboflavin deficiency, which can cause cracking or sores at the corners of the mouth, skin irritation or weakness.
Food sources:
milk, eggs, fortified bread products and cereals.
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
How much?
Men: 16 mg
Women: 14 mg
Why you need it:
Necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system, skin and nerves; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know: Can cause skin flushing; may be prescribed to treat high cholesterol but should be used only under a doctor's care because of potentially severe side effects.
Food sources:Meat, fish, poultry, eggs.
How much?
Men: 16 mg
Women: 14 mg
Why you need it:
Necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system, skin and nerves; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know: Can cause skin flushing; may be prescribed to treat high cholesterol but should be used only under a doctor's care because of potentially severe side effects.
Food sources:Meat, fish, poultry, eggs.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
How much?
Men: 1.7 mg
Women:1.5 mg
Why you need it: Aids in the formation of red blood cells; strengthens the immune system.
Good to know: Too high doses of supplements may cause nerve damage, numbness and trouble walking.
Food sources: Beans, nuts, eggs, whole grains.
Men: 1.7 mg
Women:1.5 mg
Why you need it: Aids in the formation of red blood cells; strengthens the immune system.
Good to know: Too high doses of supplements may cause nerve damage, numbness and trouble walking.
Food sources: Beans, nuts, eggs, whole grains.
Vitamin B12
How much?
Men and women: 2.4 mcg
Why you need it: Essential for keeping nerves and red blood cells healthy.
Good to know: As many as a third of people over 50 do not absorb enough B12 from diet alone; inadequate absorption may lead to neurological and balance problems.
Food sources: Fish, shellfish, meat, dairy products.
Men and women: 2.4 mcg
Why you need it: Essential for keeping nerves and red blood cells healthy.
Good to know: As many as a third of people over 50 do not absorb enough B12 from diet alone; inadequate absorption may lead to neurological and balance problems.
Food sources: Fish, shellfish, meat, dairy products.
Vitamin C
How much?
Men: 90 mg
Women: 75 mg
(Smokers should add an extra 35 mg)
Why you need it:
Important for wound healing; boosts immune system; required for growth and repair of tissues in all parts of body.
Good to know:
No studies confirm vitamin C prevents colds although it may shorten the length of a cold; excessive amounts may lead to upset stomach and diarrhea.
Food sources:
Citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, strawberries.
How much?
Men: 90 mg
Women: 75 mg
(Smokers should add an extra 35 mg)
Why you need it:
Important for wound healing; boosts immune system; required for growth and repair of tissues in all parts of body.
Good to know:
No studies confirm vitamin C prevents colds although it may shorten the length of a cold; excessive amounts may lead to upset stomach and diarrhea.
Food sources:
Citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, strawberries.
Vitamin D
How much?
Ages 51-70: 400 IU (10 mcg)
Age 71+: 600 IU (15 mcg)
Why you need it: Helps the body absorb calcium; may protect against heart disease, cancer, diabetes and several autoimmune diseases.
Good to know: The current recommendation is under review and may soon increase substantially. See also "D to the Rescue."
Food sources: Sun exposure provides the body's main supply of vitamin D; fatty fish, fortified milk and juices also contribute.
How much?
Ages 51-70: 400 IU (10 mcg)
Age 71+: 600 IU (15 mcg)
Why you need it: Helps the body absorb calcium; may protect against heart disease, cancer, diabetes and several autoimmune diseases.
Good to know: The current recommendation is under review and may soon increase substantially. See also "D to the Rescue."
Food sources: Sun exposure provides the body's main supply of vitamin D; fatty fish, fortified milk and juices also contribute.
Vitamin E
How much?
Men and women: 15 mg
Why you need it: Helps protect cells from damage; may reduce the risk of developing cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases, but further research is needed.
Good to know:
If you take a blood thinner, talk to your doctor before taking supplements; vitamin E increases bleeding risk.
Food sources:
Vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, vegetables.
How much?
Men and women: 15 mg
Why you need it: Helps protect cells from damage; may reduce the risk of developing cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases, but further research is needed.
Good to know:
If you take a blood thinner, talk to your doctor before taking supplements; vitamin E increases bleeding risk.
Food sources:
Vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, vegetables.
Folic acid
How much?
Men and women:
400 mcg
Why you need it: This B vitamin helps form red blood cells and produce DNA.
Good to know:
High levels may mask vitamin B12 deficiency, especially in older adults. Recent research, suggests that for women, folic acid along with vitamins B6 and B12 may reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.
Food sources:
Enriched cereals, whole-grain breads, dark, leafy vegetables.
Men and women:
400 mcg
Why you need it: This B vitamin helps form red blood cells and produce DNA.
Good to know:
High levels may mask vitamin B12 deficiency, especially in older adults. Recent research, suggests that for women, folic acid along with vitamins B6 and B12 may reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.
Food sources:
Enriched cereals, whole-grain breads, dark, leafy vegetables.
Vitamin K
How much?
Men: 120 mcg
Women: 90 mcg
Why you need it: Helps blood clot properly and helps maintain strong bones in older men and women.
Good to know: Can dilute the effect of blood thinners, so talk to your doctor if you take Coumadin (warfarin) or other blood thinners.
Food sources: Plant oils, green vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower.
Men: 120 mcg
Women: 90 mcg
Why you need it: Helps blood clot properly and helps maintain strong bones in older men and women.
Good to know: Can dilute the effect of blood thinners, so talk to your doctor if you take Coumadin (warfarin) or other blood thinners.
Food sources: Plant oils, green vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower.
How much?
Men and women: 1200 mg
Why you need it: Helps form and maintain healthy teeth and bones; needed for normal heartbeat; helps with blood clotting.
Good to know: The body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium, so if you use calcium supplements choose one that contains D. Recent studies have linked calcium pills to increased risk of heart attack.
Food sources: Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, bok choy, calcium-fortified orange juice.
Men and women: 1200 mg
Why you need it: Helps form and maintain healthy teeth and bones; needed for normal heartbeat; helps with blood clotting.
Good to know: The body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium, so if you use calcium supplements choose one that contains D. Recent studies have linked calcium pills to increased risk of heart attack.
Food sources: Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, bok choy, calcium-fortified orange juice.
How much?
Men: 30 mcg
Women: 20 mcg
Why you need it: Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.
Good to know: There has been interest in treating high glucose levels and type 2 diabetes with supplemental chromium, but research to date is inconclusive.
Food sources: Meat, chicken, broccoli, apples, fish, grape juice.
Men: 30 mcg
Women: 20 mcg
Why you need it: Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.
Good to know: There has been interest in treating high glucose levels and type 2 diabetes with supplemental chromium, but research to date is inconclusive.
Food sources: Meat, chicken, broccoli, apples, fish, grape juice.
How much?
Men and women: 150 mcg
Men and women: 150 mcg
Why you need it: Necessary for normal thyroid function; prevents goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland.
Good to know:
Deficiency occurs more often in women than men; when buying salt, choose one labeled "iodized."
Deficiency occurs more often in women than men; when buying salt, choose one labeled "iodized."
Food sources: Seafood, iodized salt.
How much?
Men and women: 8 mg
Why you need it:
Essential for healthy red blood cells.
Good to know:
Men and women over 50 generally should not take a mutivitamin containing iron unless they have been diagnosed with iron deficiency.
Food sources:
Meat, eggs, fortified bread and grain products.
How much?
Men and women: 8 mg
Why you need it:
Essential for healthy red blood cells.
Good to know:
Men and women over 50 generally should not take a mutivitamin containing iron unless they have been diagnosed with iron deficiency.
Food sources:
Meat, eggs, fortified bread and grain products.
How much?
Men: 420 mg
Women: 320 mg
Why you need it:
Supports a healthy immune system; helps keep bones strong; regulates heart rhythm.
Good to know: Magnesium-rich foods may help protect against the development of type 2 diabetes; may also decrease the risk of high blood pressure in women.
Food sources: Whole grains, nuts, green vegetables.
How much?
Men: 420 mg
Women: 320 mg
Why you need it:
Supports a healthy immune system; helps keep bones strong; regulates heart rhythm.
Good to know: Magnesium-rich foods may help protect against the development of type 2 diabetes; may also decrease the risk of high blood pressure in women.
Food sources: Whole grains, nuts, green vegetables.
How much?
Men and women:4700 mg
How much?
Men and women:4700 mg
Why you need it:
Crucial for heart, kidney, muscle, nerve function; important in controlling blood pressure; works with sodium to maintain the body's water balance.
Crucial for heart, kidney, muscle, nerve function; important in controlling blood pressure; works with sodium to maintain the body's water balance.
Good to know:
With age, kidneys become less able to remove potassium from blood, so speak with your doctor before taking supplements. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables generally provides sufficient potassium.
With age, kidneys become less able to remove potassium from blood, so speak with your doctor before taking supplements. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables generally provides sufficient potassium.
Food sources:
Cantaloupe, bananas, yogurt, leafy green vegetables and sweet potatoes.
Cantaloupe, bananas, yogurt, leafy green vegetables and sweet potatoes.
How much?
Men and women: 55 mcg
Why you need it:
Helps make special proteins that play a role in preventing cell damage.
Good to know:
May reduce the risk of certain cancers, including lung, colorectal and prostate, although not all studies have found this effect.
Food sources:
Red meat, fish, chicken, vegetables.
Men and women: 55 mcg
Why you need it:
Helps make special proteins that play a role in preventing cell damage.
Good to know:
May reduce the risk of certain cancers, including lung, colorectal and prostate, although not all studies have found this effect.
Food sources:
Red meat, fish, chicken, vegetables.
How much?
Men: 11 mg
Women: 8 mg
Why you need it:
Aids in wound healing; keeps sense of smell and taste sharp.
How much?
Men: 11 mg
Women: 8 mg
Why you need it:
Aids in wound healing; keeps sense of smell and taste sharp.
Good to know:
Many people take zinc to ease the miseries of a common cold, but its effect is controversial; some studies suggest zinc can speed recovery, others conclude it doesn't work. Some studies show that taking a combination of antioxidants and zinc reduces the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration.
Many people take zinc to ease the miseries of a common cold, but its effect is controversial; some studies suggest zinc can speed recovery, others conclude it doesn't work. Some studies show that taking a combination of antioxidants and zinc reduces the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration.
Food sources:
Fortified cereals, red meat, eggs, seafood.
Fortified cereals, red meat, eggs, seafood.
Omega-3 fatty acids
What does it do:
Important for blood clotting, cell division, relaxation and contraction of muscles.
Good to know:
The omega-3 fatty acids plentiful in fatty fish and fish oil supplements have built a powerful reputation for reducing the risk of a second heart attack. Studies on fish oil and memory have had mixed results. May interact with blood thinners.
What does it do:
Important for blood clotting, cell division, relaxation and contraction of muscles.
Good to know:
The omega-3 fatty acids plentiful in fatty fish and fish oil supplements have built a powerful reputation for reducing the risk of a second heart attack. Studies on fish oil and memory have had mixed results. May interact with blood thinners.
What does it do: This native American plant may reduce the duration of a cold.
Good to know:
Study results are mixed about whether it can prevent colds and other infections.
What does it do: This native American plant may reduce the duration of a cold.
Good to know:
Study results are mixed about whether it can prevent colds and other infections.
What does it do: Derived from the oldest living tree species, ginkgo extract improves walking in people with certain circulatory problems that affect the legs.
Good to know:
Research on ginkgo's effect on Alzheimer's and memory loss has been disappointing. Ginkgo can increase bleeding risk, so talk to your doctor if you take blood thinners or have surgery scheduled.
Good to know:
Research on ginkgo's effect on Alzheimer's and memory loss has been disappointing. Ginkgo can increase bleeding risk, so talk to your doctor if you take blood thinners or have surgery scheduled.
What does it do:
The root of this plant appears to benefit people with heart disorders. It may also lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
Good to know: People with diabetes should use caution with ginseng, especially if they are taking medication to lower blood glucose.
What does it do:
The root of this plant appears to benefit people with heart disorders. It may also lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
Good to know: People with diabetes should use caution with ginseng, especially if they are taking medication to lower blood glucose.
Remember me in your prayers please.
無私的服務 - 救贖之路。
喝水空腹這是今天在日本流行,每天早上起床後立即喝水。此外,科學的測試已經證明了它的價值。我們在下面發布使用水,以饗讀者的描述。對於舊的和嚴重的疾病以及現代疾病水處理已成功地發現了日本醫療社會作為一個100 %治愈以下疾病:
頭痛,全身酸痛,心臟系統,關節炎,心臟快速跳動,癲癇,多餘的肥胖,支氣管炎哮喘,肺結核,腦膜炎,腎功能及尿病,嘔吐,胃炎,腹瀉,痔瘡,糖尿病,便秘,所有的眼部疾病,子宮癌和月經紊亂,耳朵鼻子和throatdiseases 。
أصبحمنالمعتاداليومفياليابانشربالماءمباشرةبعدالاستيقاظصباحا 。 وفوقذلكفقدأثبتتالاختباراتالعلميةقيمتها 。 وننشرأدناهوصفةاستخدامالماءلقرائناالأعزاء 。 وقداكتشفتجمعيةطبيةيابانيةنجاحالعلاجبالماءلأمراضمزمنةوخطيرةوكذلكللأمراضالمتوسطةكعلاجناجح 100 % للأمراضالتالية :
الصداع , آلامالجسم , أمراضالقلب , التهابالمفاصل , ضرباتالقلبالسريعة , الصرع , السمنةأوالبدانةالمفرطة , التهابالقصبات , الربو , السل , التهابالسحايا ( السحائي ) , أمراضالكليةوالجهازالبولي , التقيؤ , التهابالمعدة , الاسهال , الخوازيق ( البواسير ) , مرضالسكري , الإمساك , جميعأمراضالعيون , الرحم , السرطان , الإضطراباتالحيضية , أمراضالأذنوالأنفوالحنجرة ..
法處理的1 。當你刷牙之前,在早晨醒來,喝4× 160毫升杯水
2 ..刷牙和清潔口腔,但不要吃或45分鐘喝什麼3 。 45分鐘後你可能會吃,喝正常。4 。之後的早餐,午餐和晚餐15分鐘不吃或2小時喝什麼
5 。這些誰是舊的或生病而無法飲用4杯水一開始可能會採取少量的水,並逐漸增加至4杯,每天展開。6 。上述治療方法治愈病人的疾病和其他人可以享受健康生活。
أسلوبالمعالجة :
1 。 فوراستيقاظكفيالصباحوقبلتفريشأسنانك , إشرب 4 أقداحمنالماء ( سعة 160 مللتر )
2 。 فرشأسنانكونظففمكولكنلاتأكلأوتشربأيشيءقبلمرور 45 دقيقة 。
3 。 بعدمرورال _45 دقيقةبإمكانكأنتأكلوتشربكالمعتاد 。
4 。 بعد 15 دقيقةمنالإفطار , وكذلكالغداء , والعشاء ( لاتأكلأوتشربأيشيءلمدةساعتين ) 。
5 。 بالنسبةلكبارالسنأوالمرضىوالذينلايستطيعونشرب 4 أقداحمنالماءفيالبدايةيمكنهمشربالقليلمنالماءوتدريجيايزيدونالكميةإلىأنتصلإلى 4 أقداحكليوم 。
6 。 إنأسلوبالعلاجالمبينأعلاهيشفيأمراضأولئكالذينيعانونمنهابإذناللهأماالناسالاعتياديينفسيتمتعونبحياةصحيةسليمةوجيدةإنشاءالله 。
下面的列表給出治療/控制/減少主要疾病需要治療的天數:1 。高血壓( 30天)
2 。胃( 10天)
3 。糖尿病( 30天)
4 。便秘( 10天)
5 。癌症( 180天)
6 。結核病( 90天)
7 。關節炎患者應遵循上述治療只在第1週3天,並從第二週開始 - 每天。
وتبينالقائمةأدناهعددالأياماللازمةللعلاجالمطلوبللتداويأوالسيطرةعلىالأمراضأوتقليلأثرها :
1 。 ضغطالدمالعالي ( 30 يوما )
2 。 أمراضالمعدةوالحموضة ( 10 أيام )
3 。 مرضالسكري ( 30 يوما )
4 。 الإمساك ( 10 أيام )
5 。 السرطان ( 180 يوما )
6 。 السل ( 90 يوما )
7 。 المرضىالمصابينبالتهابالمفاصليجبأنيتبعواالعلاجأعلاهفقطلمدة 3 أيامفيالأسبوعالأول , ثميوميامنالأسبوعالثانيفصاعدا 。
إنأسلوبالعلاجأعلاهلايشكلأيأضرارجانبية , ومعذلكففيبدايةالعلاجقدتضطرإلىالتبولعدةمرات 。
منالأفضلالاستمراربهذاالأسلوبفيالعلاجوجعلهذاالإجراءواجبروتينيفيحياتنا 。
تعودعلىشربالماءبانتظاموتمتعبصحةولياقةونشاط 。
هذاالأمريبدومعقولاتماما .. إنالصينيينواليابانيينيشربونالشايالساخنمعتناولوجباتهمالغذائية 。 ربماأصبحاليومالوقتالمناسبإتباعطريقةأسلوبهموعادتهمفيتناولالطعام ! لنتخسرواشيئا , فقطالكسب 。
بالنسبةلأولئكالذينيحبونشربالماءالبارد , ينطبقعليكمهذاالموضوعفانتبهوالطفا 。 قديكونلذيذاأنتتناولقدحامنالمشروبالباردبعدالوجبةالغذائية 。 وعلىأيةحال , فالماءالباردسوفيصلبالمادةالزيتيةالتياستهلكتهاتوا , وسوفتبطئعمليةالهضم 。
وحالمايتفاعلهذاالراسبمعالحامض , فسوفيتكسروتمتصهالأمعاءأسرعمنالطعامالصلب ... وسوفيبطنالأمعاء 。
وبعدمدةوجيزةسوفيتحولإلىدهونوتقودإلىالسرطان 。 منالأفضلشربشوربةساخنةأوماءدافئبعدوجبةالطعام
維生素1.1維生素A1.2維生素B1 (硫胺素)1.3維生素B2 (核黃素)1.4維生素B3 (菸酸)1.5維生素B6 (吡哆醇)1.6維生素B121.7維生素C1.8維生素D1.9維生素E1.10葉酸
[ 3 ]補充劑3.1 ω- 3脂肪酸
多少錢?男子: 900微克女性: 700微克
維生素B1 (硫胺素)健康drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性: 1.2毫克女性: 1.1毫克為什麼你需要它:必要的健康的神經和腦細胞,幫助食物轉化為能量。
維生素B2 (核黃素),健康drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性: 1.3毫克女性: 1.1毫克為什麼你需要它:重要的紅血細胞的生產,幫助食物轉化為能量。很好的了解:老年男性和女性可能特別容易受到核黃素缺乏症,這可能會導致口腔,皮膚刺激或虛弱的角落裂紋或潰瘍。食物來源:
維生素B3 (菸酸)健康drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性: 16毫克婦女: 14毫克為什麼你需要它:必要的消化系統,皮膚和神經的正常運作;幫助食物轉化為能量。很好的了解:可引起皮膚潮紅,可遵醫囑治療高膽固醇,但由於潛在的嚴重副作用,只應在醫生的小心使用。食物來源:肉,魚,禽,蛋。
維生素B6 (吡哆醇)健康drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性: 1.7毫克女性: 1.5毫克為什麼你需要它:艾滋病的紅血細胞的形成,增強免疫系統。好知道:過高劑量的補充劑可能會導致神經損傷,肢體麻木和行走困難。
維生素B12HEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性和女性: 2.4微克
維生素CHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性: 90毫克女性: 75毫克(吸煙者應該添加一個額外的35毫克)
維生素DHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?年齡51-70 : 400國際單位( 10微克)年齡71 + : 600國際單位( 15微克)為什麼你需要它:幫助人體吸收鈣,可以預防心臟疾病,癌症,糖尿病和多種自身免疫性疾病。好知道:目前的建議是審查和可能很快大幅增加。另請參閱“ D到救援。 ”食物來源:陽光照射提供人體的主要維生素D的供給;富含脂肪的魚類,強化牛奶和果汁也有助於。
維生素EHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性和女性: 15毫克為什麼你需要它:有助於保護細胞免受損害;可以減少患癌症,心臟疾病和其他慢性疾病的風險,但還需要進一步研究。很好的了解:如果你採取一種血液稀釋劑,談談你的醫生服用補充劑之前;維生素E增加出血風險。食物來源:植物油,堅果,水果,蔬菜等。
葉酸acidHEALTH drugs_supplements
維生素KHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男子: 120微克女性: 90微克
CalciumHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性和女性: 1200毫克
ChromiumHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性: 30微克女性: 20微克
IodineHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性和女性: 150微克
IronHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男人和女人: 8毫克為什麼你需要它:必不可少的健康的紅血細胞。很好的了解:男性和女性超過50一般不應該採取一種含mutivitamin鐵,除非他們已經確診為缺鐵。食物來源:肉,蛋,強化麵包和穀物產品。
MagnesiumHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男子: 420毫克女性: 320毫克為什麼你需要它:支持一個健康的免疫系統,有助於保持骨骼強壯,調節心臟節律。好知道:富含鎂的食物可能有助於預防2型糖尿病的發展,也可能降低女性患高血壓的風險。食物來源:全穀類,堅果,綠色蔬菜。
PotassiumHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性和女性: 4700毫克
SeleniumHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性和女性: 55微克
ZincHEALTH drugs_supplements
多少錢?男性: 11毫克女性: 8毫克為什麼你需要它:艾滋病在傷口癒合,保持嗅覺和味覺敏銳。
[ 3 ]補充劑
ω-3脂肪酸acidsHEALTH drugs_supplements
它有什麼作用:重要的是肌肉的血液凝固,細胞分裂,舒張和收縮。很好的了解:ω- 3脂肪酸的豐富脂肪的魚類和魚油補充劑已經建立了用於降低第二心臟發作的風險一個強大的聲譽。有研究魚油和內存有不同的結果。可以用血液稀釋劑進行交互。
EchinaceaHEALTH drugs_supplements
GinkgoHEALTH drugs_supplements
GinsengHEALTH drugs_supplements
- 記得我在你的祈禱吧。